Monday, July 7, 2014

Wondering When I Will Get it all Cut.

Got all the grass cut that I could on the yard tractor.  The job gets done real fast when riding around on it.  The front lot is mostly wide open and can be cut quite quickly but the yard in front of my house is full of trees and I almost get dizzy going in circles around all those trees.  Now, the back yard and the dog's yard still needs cut and I can't get the tractor back there.  So, I have to use my rotary walk behind small mower.  That is the plan but first, if I remember correctly, I have to find out why the last time I tried to use it, it refused to run.  It would start and immediately die.  If I can't get it running, I guess I will see if my weed eater will work.  It is small and electric, so I will have to find a couple of long extension cords.

OK, I guess I have put the work off long enough.  So, while I am working, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. If you have a John Deere tractor, there is NO yard you can't get into. It will make it's own gate in any kind of fence. It will climb over dirt mounds on it's way to the mowing fields.
    Have you considered installing a gate big enough to get through???

    1. Dang BB, are you suggesting more work for me? My JD is for mowing only. Back when I had a big tractor and cut a lot more of my place, it would make its own path.

  2. I sure don't miss lawn mowers, weed-eaters, and all that stuff. Never did like it.

    1. They are a necessary evil at my place unless I want to spend a fortune hiring a lawn care company to take care of it.

  3. I'm glad I left most of my land wild. There's just enough grass for kids to play on.

    1. Out of my 12 acres, about 10 or more is left wild. Lots of critters here, too.

  4. My main "job" this summer is mowing around the visitor center, the shop area and the trails... and trail maintenance (lopping, pruning etc). I use a JD zero turn mower which I LOVE! I haven't been able to mow for over a week... Hurricane Arthur is still showing itself here... way too wet to either mow or do much else. It's raining as I write... last year this time we were in TX... Bill was healing his broken ankle... Hmmmm.... I know how you feel about wanting to get everything done, but I think that (finally) in my 72 years I'm more patient about bad weather, bad company (well, maybe not this) and other stuff that I wish were otherwise. You'll get to it... but it may be 3' high by then ;-)

    1. You got lots of work to do up there but I bet you enjoy it, too. I guess I will have to wait until my next birthday to be more patient, since I am only 71, but come next Valentine's day I will catch up with you. . .

  5. I am going to miss mowing the lawn. About to downsize to a smaller place.

    Happy grass cutting. A case of The Lawn Ranger rides again.

    A good day to you, sir.


    1. I shouldn't complain, because I wouldn't want to live anywhere where I could see into someone's windows and visa versa. I like my place here in East Texas.

  6. How I envy you...I wish I had a JD or any kind of tractor!

    The grass or should I call them by their proper name...weeds...have grown sky high and all I have are my garden shears and my little weed eater (me with a tear running down my face) :-(

    1. I'm feel sorry for you. So, if you want to, you are welcome to come to my place and cut my grass with my JD.

    2. Lol, you are too kind Dizzy :D
