Sunday, July 6, 2014

Wondering How Many Have Been on TV & Edison?

I was just wondering how many of you have ever been on TV.  I read a statistic that stated that "One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television!"  So, there are more than 4 bloggers out there and that would mean that one of them has appeared on TV.  OK, I must admit that I was on TV once that I know of.  I was at one of the G.P.A.A's outings (Gold Prospectors of America Association) at Stanton, Arizona, and was interviewed by Tom Massie.  Tom is a great guy and I am not just saying that because he is bigger than I am.  Here is a picture of my wife and I with Tom:

This was taken back in 2008.  To give you an idea how big he is, I am 5'-11" tall.  I went to a couple of their outing in Arizona and I don't remember which time I was interviewed.
I often wondered what gave Thomas Edison the inspiration to invent the light bulb.  I never knew the reason until I was researching something else and came across the fact that Edison was afraid of the dark!  So now it makes sense. . . that is why he invented the light bulb.  Right?
Now you all have bright and happy and great day, today, you hear? 


  1. Well, I guess you couldn't say a light bulb lit up above his head like it does in the comic strips when Popeye gets an idea. Maybe it was a candle that dripped hot wax and he said "ouch! ,hmmm, got to be a better way". Good looking picture, you and the pup look a little gray around the gills.

    1. That was six years ago and I all my hair and beard is white now.

  2. Replies
    1. I bet there are some good stories about those times.

  3. I have been on television several times. Some were only with radio news personality asking for an opinion on the sidewalk. Once, I was on television daily for a week as a protestor.

    1. I hope your protesting was for a good cause and it worked.

  4. I like Edison ... haha.... and YEP I've been on the teevee... when I was a teenager, our local TV station KTAL Channel 6 in Texarkana had a dance show like American Bandstand ... but you understand on a much smaller scale ;)

    me and Ricky went every Saturday and danced and danced and danced... bobby sox ... straight skirt with a kick pleat and a matching sweater set with an angora puff ball collar ~ detachable ... y'know...

    1. oh and I like your picture! have you always had the Santa beard? lol .... what fun and I especially like looking at Tom ... ;)

    2. Not always, I wasn't born with it.
