Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wondering. . . It Happened Again.

Yes, it has happened before, but that was few years ago.  OK, let me explain.  Today, I was at the flea market and I was talking to one of the vendors and he asked me if I remembered a weekend or so ago when he brought his granddaughter along with him.  I said that I did.  He said that when I showed up, she went over to him and ask him if I were ZZ TOP.  He told her to go ask him yourself.  She was too shy, I guess, because she didn't ask me.  If she had, of course I would say yes, but not to tell anyone (grin).  There was another vendor at the flea market who always called me that when I was near his table.
But the first time was when I was on a trip back to my home town in Pennsylvania.  My buddy brought his guitar and came to the RV-Park and I got my guitar and we sat outside and did some picking and grinning.  The fellow in the RV next to me, stopped me when we were driving out in the Jeep to visit relatives.  He said, "Do you play a guitar?"  I said that I did.  He then said, "Are you from Texas?"  Again I said I was.  Then he pointed at me and said, "ZZ-Top, right?"  And of course I said yes and drove off. Back then I was a lot younger and I suppose I did resemble ZZ-Top.

But today, I am a lot older and I don't look as much like them as I used to.  Her is a "selfie" I took.  What do you all think?
I hope my ugly face didn't ruin your day, but please, try to have a great day anyway, you hear?


  1. Long hair and a white beard are a good look. :)

    1. Thanks Sixbears, that is what I have been trying to tell my wife.

  2. I don't know if I've ever seen or heard ZZ-Top, but I'd say you probably look a lot better than him!

    1. ZZ Top was a rock band which got together in Houston in 1969. Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill were the two bearded guys and they had a third member, a non-bearded drummer, Frank Beard. Isn't it strange that the only one without a beard was named Beard.

  3. Funny how much all of us with white hair and beards must look alike. Yours is a lot whiter and longer than mine, though.

    1. I quit shaving and getting my hair cut when I turned 65 and I am now 71. It seemed to quite growing awhile back, maybe it reached its length limit.

  4. And here I was....waiting for ZZ Top to put my blog up on his sidebar.........

    You also resemble General Custer. And HE doesn't have my blog on his sidebar either.

    1. Dang, I better be careful around Indians. I don't want to have to make any "last" stands!!!

  5. I met Dusty Hill once in a little town called San Leon. My SIL and I were in charge of alcohol for a big fish fry and he came in while we were checking out. We talked for a few minutes and he told the cashier he was paying for the party! Of course he didn't come but still... Hey it was ZZTop!

  6. With sunglasses and a hat you could pass for the tall skinny one.

    I had gone to the annual car show in Houston a few years back and he was there (the skinny one). One man politely asked him if he could take his picture and he said NO...thought what a jerk!

    1. You can take my picture any time you need it to rid the back yard of rats.

  7. I've never heard of these guys (although I'm sitting at my son's kitchen table reading this and he assures me that I HAVE heard them)... I think it would be kinda fun to be mistaken for a big-name person... maybe you just oughta sign autographs and make them happy ;-)

    1. I have been told I look a lot more like him when I am wearing my cowboy hat and sun glasses. I guess then all they see is the beard (grin).

  8. Need the glasses,,,
    One of my all time favs,, gimme Sharp Dressed Man, any time.

  9. I was accused of being a ZZ Tops a couple of times but I have been accused of being Santa Clause more often. I now look more like Uncle Si than anyone else that is known by the public - other than Santa Clause.

    1. I think I look more like Phil, Si's brother.
