Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wondering About Martha Custis?

I know you all have heard about Martha Custis.  Well, maybe you know her by her maiden name of Martha Dandridge?  Or maybe Martha Custis Washington?  Or Martha Dandridge Custis Washington?  Or by her nickname of "Lady Washington"?  Yes, I am talking about the first First Lady.

She had four children, but none that I know of after she became Mrs. Washington.  The children, as far as we know, were fathered by Daniel Parke Custis, who she married back on May 15, 1750 at age 18.  Daniel was about 20 years older than she was.  Her first husband died 7 years after they were married, which left her a rich young widow at only 25 years old.  Part of what she inherited was 85 slaves.  Martha passed away on May 22, 1802 at the age of 70.  Her four grandchildren inherited Martha's slaves.

Now see, you have heard of Martha Custis.  How many of you knew who she was?  I sure didn't, but then, I am not a student of politics or politicians.

On a side note, I missed my family reunion this year up in Pennsylvania, it was yesterday.  My motorhome is still in the shop and I didn't want to attempt the 1400 miles trip up there in the jeep with all our stuff and the three dogs.  They did call me from the reunion and I got to talk to a few of my cousins.  I sure did appreciate that.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Martha traveled with George throughout the Revolutionary War and kept house for him and his top brass. That was common for officers' wives to do in those days. After the War George freed all his slaves, but Martha's property was her own. I have enjoyed visiting a lot of historical sites in the Hudson Valley of NY where Washington headquartered during the war.

    1. I bet if all wives went to war with their husbands, war would be much different than it is today.

  2. In your absence at the family reunion, we took a vote. The reunion will be held at your place next year.

    1. OK, I will start making a list of chorus for everyone to do. That way I may be able to get a year or two worth of work done for free. Sounds like a plan to me. Right?

    2. Chorus? Well,we don't really sound that good, but I suppose we could sing for our supper. Can you play Rocky Top on that guitar?

  3. I had no idea who she was with her maiden or the last name of her first husband. Had no idea the first First Lady was a widow prior to her marriage to George Washington.

    It is shame you got to miss your family reunion. Hope you get your RV back soon.

    1. It has been in the shop for a very long time, quite a few months.

  4. I had a friend who invited people to Christmas dinner as usual. But, the house was filthy and a wreck. So, she assigned chores for us to do. I cleaned a quarter inch of dog hair and filth off the table, side boards and everything else in the room--chairs and pictures. The later arriving people never knew what they missed.

    1. Maybe I need to invite you to dinner here (grin).

  5. Marrying a young widow with money still is a popular thing to Great post!

  6. Guess I knew she was George's wife, but didn't know she had been married before... didn't know she had kids. Interesting....

    1. It is surprising what I learn when researching for my blog. I didn't know all that stuff about her either.
