Monday, June 9, 2014

Wondering Why Most Plants are Green.

Have you ever wondered why most plants are green?  Why couldn't they be red, or orange, or yellow. . . wait a minute.  They are.  But only in the Fall when they change colors and then fall to the ground.  But why are most leaves and plant life predominantly green when they are growing and healthy?
The simplest answer would be that they absorb all the other frequencies of light and reflect the green light.  It seems the chlorophyll can turn all other frequencies of light into something usable, like sugar to feed their growth. 
I must say, that I think nature picked a soothing color.  At least it is soothing to me.  I feel the most relaxed when I am in a cool, green forest.  What about you?  Do you think nature picked a good color to paint the trees, grass, moss, etc. with?  Now, I hope you all have yourselves a really great day, you hear?


  1. I love the color green, and a cool green forest is what I'm craving right now.

    1. With your 100+ temperatures out your way, a cool forest may be hard to find. . .

  2. I guess I had never really thought about it but green seems as good a color as any.

    1. Maybe we will discover a star that produces a different spectrum of light and if has a habitable planet, the plant color would be something different. How about a purple plants and leaves?

  3. I wonder what would happen if they didn't reflect any light? Be invisible?
    Neat subject!

    1. That's right. If they could absorb all the light, they would be invisible. Now, let us work on a suit of clothes that will do that. Just think of all the possibilities.

  4. Green and yellow, my favs. Hate it when the summer heat takes all this green away.

    1. We used to go to the beach for vacations and when we returned home the green looked magnificent!! When at the beach it was all tan and blue.

  5. yes, me too . even though it's hot just looking at all the green I'm surrounded by makes it seem less hot.... then the green succumbs to the heat in late August ... AND that is why I think there ought to be a law against August... just go on to September...

    1. I always had a hard time with the heat, so then I moved to Texas. . . what the heck was I thinking!!!???
