Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wondering About the Dog's Small Yard.

I stepped out the back door, through the screened in porch, and out into the fenced in dogs' yard.  I fenced in a small area for the pooches, so if they wanted out, all we had to do was open the back sliding door and let them out on the porch.  The left bottom square of screen on the outside screen door was detached at the bottom and a short ways up the sides.  This made a perfect flap for the dogs to go out and in by themselves.  Now, if I could only train them to open the sliding glass doors. . .

Anyway, I noticed that a hickory limb that was overhanging their yard was forming a couple of nuts:

We have a lot of hickory on our place.  Just a little bit over from the hickory nuts was this trumpet vine getting ready to bloom.  I will see if I can catch it when they open and post another  picture, but for now, this will have to do: 
Also, along the other side of the dogs' yard is a mimosa in bloom and trying to compete with the wild grape vines and the rest of the jungle around the yard: 
The picture below is the one I cropped for the above picture.  This one shows a little more of the thicket around the dogs' yard:

That was a short tour around the small fenced in dogs' yard.  Hope you enjoyed it.
We had a thunderstorm come through here in the middle of the night and watered the wild flowers.  So, I bet there will be more popping up all over the place.  Of course, it is into the Texas summer heat and they may wait until late fall, winter, or early spring to pop up.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. If you want the dogs to learn how to open the door, you first gotta teach them how to stand one of top of the other. Three high might make it to the door handle, tee hee!

    1. I mentioned it to them but they said to install either a motion sensor that opens the door or a bark monitor that will do it. . . as it is right now, I am the bark monitor (grin).

  2. Especially love your mimosa.... this past winter was too harsh for the one on our Ohio farm.... it didn't look like it survived when we stopped by last month. I think the trumpet vine took a hit as well..... What kind of hickory do you have? Are the nuts edible? (Shagbark are delicious, Pignuts aren't)

    1. They are not shag bark. So I guess they are pignuts. I will have to try to get a ripe one before the squirrels do and see if they are bitter or sweet.
