Friday, June 13, 2014

Wondering Where Pioneer 10 is Now.

Something happened on this date back in 1983 that had never happened before.  It was the first time that a man made object left our solar system and headed out toward the Taurus constellation.
Since then, there have been quite a few, but Pioneer 10 was the first one to do so.  We had no idea where it would end up and just in case it was discovered by an intelligent race of beings, it carried a plaque prepared by Carl Sagan.
The above picture shows Sagan holding the plaque he designed to be placed on Pioneer 10.  Want to see a close up view of the plaque?  OK, here it is:
It is a gold-anodized plaque that measures 6" by 9" and displays a drawing of a human man and woman, a star map that shows the location of the sun, and another map that showed the flight path of the probe.
It is hard to believe that it was launched that many years ago and is still going where man has never gone.  Now, be careful today, you all know that along with a full moon, it is also Friday the Thirteenth, but have a great day, you hear?


  1. You forgot there's a full moon too.... wooooooohooooo

    1. Reread my last sentence. I did mention that it was a full moon, too. Don't forget to read my blog to the end (grin).

  2. It is not often that a Friday the 13th also has a full moon. Mother and I were outside enjoying it but some clouds obscured it.

    I am superstitious so I did not leave the house today.

    1. A lot of things have gone wrong for us on that unlucky day. Going to try and straighten out things. Wish me luck.

  3. Dizzy in reality we have as much happening to us on any given day ,its no more than any other day..I was just thinking that Neil Tyson is doing a good job of filling Carl's shoes..To me the universe and all that is in it is hard to comprehend!.By exploring the universe theres so much been learned in what I consider a short time..

    1. Yes, I agree that Neil Tyson is doing a great job. I have been interested in space ever since the days of Sputnik.

  4. I can't believe I missed the Friday 13th and the full moon! My head must have been someplace else...I won't say where!

    1. I wish I had, all kinds of bad things happened to us. . . not a good day.

  5. A little more trivia Dizzy look up when Pioneer 10 was actually launched, (Launched on 2 March 1972 I think !

    1. I believe you are right, it took a long time to go where a man made thing had never gone before.

  6. I forgot about it being the full month Friday the 13th thing... rats! I did notice a gorgeous red/gold sunset ... sooooo pretty.

    LOVED Carl Sagan ... billions and billions ... hahaa

    1. Yes, I liked Carl Sagan, but Neil deGrasse Tyson is doing a great job carrying on in his place.
