Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wondering About Earth's Seasons.

Have you ever thought about the changing seasons and what causes them?  Of course you have and you say you know what causes them.  Most of you would say that the part of the Earth that is in summer is tilted closer toward the sun so it gets more of the direct rays and thus more heat.  That is true, but some of you believe that the tilt of the Earth changes from season to season, right?  Wrong!!  The Earth's tilt does not change through the seasons.  The axis of the Earth is always tilted at about 23.5 degrees.

OK, if the Earth's tilt doesn't change, than why do we have changing seasons?  Wouldn't it be one season all year long at a specific point on Earth?  OK, stop reading for a few seconds and think about it.

Maybe a little head scratching is required?

Then again, maybe a pencil placed near the brain will help stir up the thinking process.
I think this kid has it. . . well, maybe not:

I can see that this last guy also has nothing:

 OK, the diagram below should make things clear.  The Earth always has a 23.5 degree tilt but the tilt always point in the same direction as shown here:
If the Earth's axes rotated and always point toward the sun, we wouldn't have any change of seasons.  Now, I am wondering if that had been the case, how would life on Earth had evolved in that scenario?  OK, I guess I have that to wonder about the rest of the day.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I just wish we'd have more of the "Goldielocks" seasons - not too hot, not too cold, but juuuust right! Those seasons seem to get shorter and shorter, nearly nonexistent in some places.

    1. Compared to the seasons that occur on other planets, all our seasons are "Goldielocks" seasons.

  2. I think I heard someone say that we had spring here one day a week or so ago.... maybe that was June 5th, the day the snow finally all melted...

    1. You still had snow up until June 5th? Wow!! I lived the the first part of my life in Western Pennsylvania and I don't ever remember snow in June, although it got cold enough to snow a few times that time of year. I guess you don't mean that it snowed on that date, but rather, you had such a huge accumulation of snow on the ground it took that long to melt.

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  4. Change is good, right? Wouldn't get tired of all those perfect days? No? didn't think so.

    1. No, I don't get tired of prefect days, but it takes a few bad days to make the good ones seem even more perfect.

    2. After a few years in Hawaii I was tried of always nice... But that's just me

    3. Right now we are getting thunder boomers and some rain but mostly lightning. I think everyone prefers the nice days. But I try to enjoy them all, at my age, I ain't got too many left.

  5. What a fun post, Dizzy... always fun to come over here and learn stuff! I remember that Earth rotates around the Sun and thought what a wondrous thing! 365 something days to do so. loved that stuff in school.

    We are spinning and spinning about ... ain't that cool... all the orbits and such and we all just stay where we're supposed to! amazing.

    Astronomy always fascinated me... that's a hobby I wish I would take up. sure do. I forget what I knew and that was minimal.... too busy wondering about my hair... or shoes or both

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    2. I posted pictures of my biggest telescope on an older blog posting. Send me your email address and I will send you the pictures. My email address is

  6. I hate to think what the weather is going to be come August!
