Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Wife's Hand Made Rugs.

I talk about the Flea Market all the time.  Well, it has been good to us.  We have enjoyed it for years, meeting and talking to people, buying bargains and things we just can't live without, and selling some stuff.  Yes, we only set up for one weekend, but it was a huge, huge success.  We want to do it again some weekend.

My wife bought a lot of sheets (most in unopened packages) at the flea market and would sit out on our deck and cut them into strips.  She then wrapped up the strips into big balls.  After she had multiple balls of different colors, she would sit while watching TV and crochet them into rugs.  Some were heart shaped, some round, and some oval.  Today, she took them down to a gal that has a booth at the flea market and told her to sell them.  Now, she has room to make some more (grin).

I am going to end this blog posting with pictures of the ten rugs she left at the flea market:

The rugs are laying on the deck which is made out of 2x6 boards, so that will give you an idea of the sizes of the different rugs.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Very pretty! people love handmade items ... I've probably asked this before and you've probably answered but I CRS ... have you ever gone to Canton? First Monday?

    Haven't been in a while ... I had a little shop for a few months on The Mountain.

    1. Yes, we have been to Canton, but it has been a long time ago. My wife was there twice, but I have only been there once.

  2. I thought so, but she says she could do better.

  3. Another day that I can read the text but no photos (yet).... DRAT! I know about braided rugs using cloth strips, but haven't seen crocheted ones.... sounds beautiful. But I bet if I had one I wouldn't let any muddy shoes touch it! If I can't get your photos today, I'll see them eventually... Hate this (lack of) internet!!!!

    1. It took her a lot longer to cut all the strips needed than to do the actual crochet work.

  4. I really like those rugs DD, numbers 9 and 10 are my favourites.
    Are they made of cotton?
    I guess they're around forty inches wide?
    How much does your wife ask for them?

    1. Yep, 9 and 10 are my favorite, too. Yes, they are made out of cotton except number 9 is made out of crocheted twice yarn. 40? Some are bigger and some are smaller. My wife turned them over to her friend that has a booth at the flea market and told her to put a price on them, so, so far, I can't answer that question.

  5. Those are really nice! Handy lady, your wife!

    1. She is quite talented for sure. She likes all kinds of art work.

  6. Tell your wife I love them. I may have to try making one ....or two.

  7. They are all beautiful and obviously a labor of love.

  8. I have been saving a bunch of old sheets for someone who makes rag rugs.
    I'll meet you at the flea market one Sunday if you want them?
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

