Monday, May 26, 2014

Wondering about Memorial Day.

Today is Memorial Day.  This is the day set aside to remember.  To remember those who served.  All those who served, those who didn't make it back home, those who came back severely wounded with missing body parts, those who came back home mentally wounded, and those who came back whole.  Even those who came back whole, left a lot when they left to serve and will never get that time back.  So, all of you who served, I salute you!!

I suggest you go to Carolyn's blog posting:

If you have to be out on the roads today, stay safe and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Greetings, good sir,

    Thoughtful words. May your Memorial Day be one of peaceful reflection. Indeed, those the fought, those who survived, I also salute. And a special mention to those veterans who live on with the horrors of war who need support, need encouragement.

    In peace and hope,


  2. When I was a little kid, my Mom pulled us up the hill to the cemetery to place flowers on various graves... but especially for my little brother who died as a 3 month old infant. I know that it's really a day to honor servicemen, but for many years, at least in our neck of the woods, we honored all that had died. Even the parades I marched in (as a Girl Scout) were focused on our loved ones. Maybe I just grew up in the wrong place. I definitely support and honor those who have served our country (that includes Bill)... but kind of wonder where my own "education" came from ?

    1. Memorial day where I came from was a day to remember all who died, especially one's loved ones. My parents always visited the cemetery where family was buried and put flowers on the graves.

  3. I feel sad for our WWI vets who fought the "War to End All Wars"; the the WWII vets thought they had done the same thing until Korea came along, then Vietnam, and I can't even keep track after that. It's not right that we keep sacrificing our best and bravest. The best thing we could do to honor our veterans is to not get into any more wars!

    1. "There will be wars and rumors of wars" says the Bible. Man has never learned to get along with others. I guess that is one of man's biggest flaws.
