Tuesday, May 27, 2014

An Update on an Earlier Blog.

I always try to keep my word and I do, if I don't forget (grin).  Back on May 18th I showed you a picture of two books that I purchased at the flea market.  I also told you that I would report back to you on the books; sort of give you a kind of book report.  No, I ain't going to give you a long report, but I will comment on the books.  I have started reading both, and it will take me sometime to finish them because I don't set aside any reading time.  If I sit outside on the deck, I will take one of the books with me and read.  So, these two books will give me something to do (read) for quite a spell.

Here is the picture I posted of the two books on the earlier blog:

 The western one has proven to be very interesting in that it is stories of events told by the people who were there and in their colorful language, or news taken from newspapers of the time.  It will be the source of some future blog postings, I am sure.  Sometimes, true stories can be a lot better than fiction.  I prefer true stories but also like good fiction.

This next book may or may not have any true stories.  Most are fiction made up to scare you, but they are fun to read and it would be great to tell these stories to kids around a campfire on a dark night deep in the woods. . . OK, you get the idea.

Remember the little song or chant that we used to sing as children, "The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinochle on your snout"?  Well, this book lists the words this way:

Did you ever think as a hearse goes by
That you may be the next to die?
They wrap you up in a big white sheet
From your head down to your feet.
And the worms crawl in and the worms crawl out,
In your stomach and out your snout,
And your eyes fall out and your teeth decay---
And that is the end of a perfect day.

OK, I dare you to get that tune out of your head today (grin).  Even if you can't, I sure do want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I've noticed a lot of programs on TV lately (Ghost Hunters, the Dead Files, and of course all the UFO stuff, etc.) that are pretty scary. Once in a while after watching one of these I wonder how I can sleep so well and not have bad dreams, but I don't.

    1. I have watched the UFO stuff, but rarely the other two. I saw the Ghost Hunters one time and it looked all so fake. It is entertainment.

  2. Lord!! DD, i might not get that outa my head the rest of my life!

    1. HAHAHA, that made me laugh out loud. It is sort of catchy, isn't it?

  3. I remember singing that song in Girl Scouts... we must have been a weird bunch ;-) But what's really funny is that the maintenance guy here was telling us that a house he bought and then sold to his brother, is supposedly haunted. His sister-in-law has refused to live there any longer as the house is possessed by the guy who lived (and died at the kitchen table) there. I've never lived in a haunted house nor have ever seen a ghost. Have you? ( I just wanted to know what his wife fixed for dinner that night ;-)

    1. She must have served the wrong kind of mushrooms. . . No, I have never seen a ghost, except on Halloween and they usually say, "trick or treat".

  4. Ghost stories are usually a pretty good read, if they are well written!

    Books can be an excellent resource for blogging. Believe me, I know!

    1. I like scary stories, especially on a dark, stormy night.
