Friday, May 2, 2014

Wondering About a Driveway Nature Walk.

Walked around the loop part of my driveway yesterday.  I needed a little exercise (my wife told me so) and I decided to take my camera with me and walk with my wife.  You wouldn't think in such a short distance around the loop and the loop right near my house that there would be such a variety of nature's beauty.  Sometimes one has to look a little closer than at other times.  Let me explain with a few pictures.  Sorry about this first one.  The camera focused on my hand instead of the flowers, but you get the idea just how pretty these three types of little flowers are:

I have no idea what this plant is, but I thought it was beautiful in its own right:

Here are two different varieties of yellow flowers:

This next one, the Coral Bean (Erythrina herbacea), is one of my favorites and it also was found growing right next the driveway.  It is a tall, stately, beautiful plant.

 And of course my walk around the driveway loop kept me happy, not only in the beauty that I found, but it also fed me, too.
Mmmm, they were really sweet and oh so good.  I just love wild foods and the wild beauty of nature, not just what grows around my driveway, but all of it.  Anytime you are out, take notice of what is growing and where.  Even in the city, I have seen green trying to pop up between the cracks in the sidewalk.  Once we humans disappear from this earth, it will not take the plant life long to wipe out all signs that we were ever here.  Now, have a great day and enjoy the beauty around you, you hear?


  1. I've always loved nature, and here, we could go to the river and find hundreds of different rocks.

    1. Yep, you don't have to look too far from home to se nature's miracles.

  2. Man, those fresh berries sure look good! I haven't had any in a long, long time!

    1. I would send you some, but I ate all the ripe ones (grin).

  3. You are right that green pops up everywhere, and especially along cracks in sidewalks and driveway. In my mobile home park, that's a no-no, and the park police will cite me if I don't pull it up. I've worked so hard a couple of months ago to pull all the weeds but I notice they are all coming back. None of them have any pretty flowers though.

    1. I commented but it didn't show up. Must have hit the wrong button. It seems like nature is trying her hardest to get her Earth back but man just will not let her. If she gets the chance, she will grab it back, for sure. Have you ever noticed how a deserted concrete road left unattended will quickly have grass, weeds, and moss completely cover it?

  4. My lovely wife and I walked down to the lake, just because the ice has finally left it. Berries will be a while yet.

    1. ICE!!! Wow, it has been in the 80's here. AC has been running for a couple of months.
