Friday, May 30, 2014

High Water and a Ghost?

We have had our share of rain a few days ago.  It was really needed, so I can't complain.   We did have to go out in it to get supplies.  Even at my age, I have to eat.  Not only have to, but love to.

I wanted to pick up a few things at Tractor Supply Co.  The main thing was a 35 pound bag of bird seed and some of those little squares of suet.  Got six squares of different flavored suet.  Those birds go through all that very quickly.  Don't any of you dare to tell me I eat like a bird.  That wouldn't be a compliment.

One the way home, we stopped and checked the mail and then I took the back way home.  The creek as really gone down in just two days.  That tells me that we did really need the rain.  I stopped on the bridge two days ago when the creek was high and took a picture looking up stream and one down stream.  This is up stream:
And this is down stream:

 The following two pictures were taken today.  This first one is looking up stream:
 And this is looking down stream.

Did you see the ghost in the last picture?  If you let your imagination run a little wild, you can see two eyes in the middle of the rounded head and it looks like its sheet is flowing out behind it.  I swear that that image was not there when I took the picture.  There is nothing near that shape it the Jeep that could be reflected off the window.  If any of you can come up with a better explanation, please let me know.  OK, Jimkabob, I bet you have an explanation, right?

Now, you all watch out for ghosts on flooded creeks and trolls that live under bridges, and ghouls that. . . well, you get the idea and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I do not have a clue as to your ghost but it sure is nice to see the recent rains were beneficial and very needed.

    1. Yes, we sure did need it. Most of it soaked in immediately.

  2. Tripp Trapp Tripp Trapp... who's that walking on my bridge??

    It is I, the littlest billy goat gruff?

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. It is best to be the grandpa billy goat. . .

  3. That's a pretty cool image you captured, buddy! Makes it easy to understand how some folks could read something spooky in to it!

    1. Didn't see it when I took the picture, just showed up when I viewed it on the computer.

  4. First i've ever heard of a 'back way' and,,, with that wonderful creek!

    1. There is a front way to go and a back way, too. It may be just a smidgen shorter than the main roads.
