Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wondering About Tax Day.

Today is TAX DAY!!!  I usually have my taxes done and sent in long before the due date, but not this year.  I guess I will be making a trip to the post office today.  Do you know before 1913 there was no income tax?  The government got its money mainly through excise taxes.  But thanks to Abraham Lincoln, not now!!  Well, I figure the best way to get through this day is to see the humor in it.  OK, you don't see any humor in it?  You have to look real, real, real hard.  Now, do you see the humor. . . NO?  OK, I guess you need some cartoons to help.

 Does the above picture look like you today?

Take a look at the following form and let us know which Filing Status you checked on your return:
 The lesser of two evils?

OK, hope this made your tax day go a little better by putting a grin on your face.  It worked for me.  Now, got to run to the post office and I hope you all survive tax day in good shape, you hear?


  1. 1913? The same year the Federal Reserve Bank came into existence.

    That was the year the bankers started running things... They did well for the most part, we the people did not.

    What cost someone $100 in 1913 would cost you $2358.30 last year.

    1. I guess some one or some thing has to run every thing. If you want answers to a problem, just follow the money trail.

  2. Today isn't tax day for us... we (or rather our CPA) filed for an extension... guess we're just prolonging the agony... we know we'll have to pay the piper eventually.

    1. If you owe them, I hope you know, even if you file an extention, you have to pay them something on it by today.

    2. We pay estimated taxes quarterly... plus Bill's PERS is taxed before we see it... hopefully we're covered.

  3. One year i dropped mine off in a PO box, and as soon as i did it, knew i hadn't put a stamp on it cause i was out. O yeah, no return address either,,, hahahaha,,,and i was getting a refund. Had to suffer and wait for weeks,,not knowing what would happen. Then, the refund showed up. They paid my postage! Never did that again!

    1. I guess because the mail system and the IRS are part of the same government, that would work.

  4. It's nice not to have to pay or file taxes. The freedom is a great as you'd imagine.

    1. If you don't pay taxes who pays for the roads you use?

    2. You do Rob. Oh by the way, it ended up that I didn't owe any either.

  5. Got it over and out last month. I say ... we need a federal tax like we have state tax and be done with it... why oh why oh why all the codes and people who pay people to get them around said codes and on it goes.


    1. No, no, no. Every time I buy something I have to pay both state and local sales tax. Now that I am old with little income, I don't have to or want to pay taxes. This year, I didn't have to pay any federal tax. If they made it a sales tax I would be still paying it.

    2. You'd rather pay and file Income Tax each year than pay a straight federal tax...? eliminate the IRS ... ? well

    3. This is the last federal return I will ever have to send in. At least that is the way I have it figured.

    4. oh, good grief, Dizzy... I seem to remember you're saying you had something.... wth... you surely don't sound like this will... oh, for pete's sake! I don't want to hear that... I'm about to go to bed here... you aren't allowed to not be here next year...

      Good lord!

    5. What I meant is that I will not have enough income to have to send in any 1040 forms. But who knows, I may not be here. Maybe I will be off on a trip or something. (Grin).

    6. Lincoln may have imposed the first income tax in 1861 but it was repealed in 1871. I wish we could say the same about Wilson's income tax of 1913 which has only gotten bigger and more intrusive in our lives every year since then.

    7. You are correct, history did repeat its self.
