Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Computer in the Shop

My lap-top is in the shop suffering from a broken hinge that connects the 'puter to the screen in the lid.  So I am using my tablet to post until the lap-top is fixed.  It takes awhile to pick each letter with one finger, so will keep this short.  I sure do miss it but the weather is great and I am going to have a great day and want you to have a great day, too, you hear?


  1. Just thought I would let ya know....your blog has not updated again today. It's been do'n that for bout two weeks now....not every day but bout 4 or 5 times in that period.

    1. How do I know if it updates or doesn't? It shows up right away on my blog roll along with all the other blog er's new posts.

    2. Not sure what is meant by 'updating' but i see it every day too. Seems fine..

  2. When I looked at MY blog list, yours was still yesterdays post. I checked a few other blogs and it was the same there.

  3. I'm one of those who look for your blogs... maybe starting around 10am or maybe noon... usually see something by 2pm or so. Anyway... so far, I've found you.... eventually. But I'm so sporadic checking the e-mail/blogs that things slip by me often until the next morning. So far... so good.

    1. I try to post in the morning if I can. Don't always make it, but I do try to post every day, if possible.

  4. I always seem to find your blog. In fact I sometimes wonder if you are Ill if it posts later than usual

    1. I am later on weekends because we go to the flea market. Some times my research takes longer to find exactly what I am looking for. I have discovered that blogging can be a lot of work but I love it.

  5. I do believe that DW&W has achieved the same anticipation as the postman, everyone is keeping an eye out for your arrival.

    1. Does that mean that I can't get away with any thing?

  6. I believe that your computer will come to you soon. Have a good day!
