Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wondering About the Yellow Season.

We are officially in the "Yellow Season" here in Cut and Shoot, Texas.  There are a lot of us hacking, sneezing, coughing, and wiping running eyes and running noses.  Everything is covered in yellow pollen.  OK, I suppose you want some proof, well here are some pictures that I took.  This first one is when I was going out the driveway:
 Even after driving down the road a few miles and returning, some of the pollen still clung to the Jeep:
 And some on the Jeep's roof:
 And some on the Jeep's left front looking back:

I am sure all of you, where ever you live, have a "yellow season", too, but at different times of the year.  Tell me the general area where you live and if you have a "yellow" season or any other color season and when is it.  I suppose some would be in the summer, some in the fall and some may not have any at all.  I am not sure if the pollen comes from the pines or the oaks.  I always blamed it on the pines, but am really not sure.  Now, hope all of you can breathe easy without sneezing or coughing or hacking or sniffling, and that you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Ours is called cedar fever, and hits the end of the year, lasts a couple of months. That's when the cedar, male or female, can't remember, puts off their YELLOW... lol. I'm so thankful i don't have the allergy to it, like lots do.

    1. Yep, me too. I don't seem to have an allergy to it, and there is no sense in washing the Jeep, it will look like that again in a few hours. We are suppose to get some rain today, that may help settle the yellow stuff.

  2. We had a pollen season in my part of western Washington state. Had to hose the car down to see out the window before you drove.

    I notice a lot of Texas cars with that set of numbers down on the bottom, under the more modern set (drivers side lower corner).
    I figure the top set are the inspection stickers but the bottom set?

    1. The one is inspection, the other is yearly update to the license plate. Some states put stickers on the plates to update the year, here we put the sticker in the windshield.

    2. Had mine stolen back when they went on the plates, so im glad they changed it. After that, i cut an X across them, til they changed.

  3. Around my house in Houston, the yellow comes from the oak trees! Sure is a lot of it!

    1. Yep, the oak is yellow and the pine is a lighter color.

  4. omg... it's coming ... we don't quite have it yet... too much rain and wind. I've got pictures of ol Homer just covered... but it sure is pretty when it's all done ... ;)

    1. After the yellow all the leaves appear and everything turns green. Yep, it sure is pretty when it's all done.

  5. Take care from the yellow pollens!

    1. Those who have breathing problems wear nose and mouth masks. But, it is a sure sign of Spring.

  6. "Dizzy's Wanderings & Wonderings" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

    1. Thanks Jerry, I went and looked at your blog. You sure listed a lot of good blogs on it.

  7. No Yellow Season for me. I have lived most of my life in the desert of Arizona and Nevada. The desert does bloom and there is a probably lots of pollen floating around but nothing like under pine and oak trees. I didn't think I was allergic to anything until I camped under some pines for a couple of days during Yellow Season. Found out that I am allergic to pine pollen - at least I am when it it is in large quantities.

    1. Some times the amount of pollen can be over whelming and non-allergenic people start to sneeze and cough.
