Friday, March 28, 2014

Where is the RV and Who is in its Spot?

I just looked outside and there is no RV in the spot where the RV usually sits.  Dang, it only left a short time ago and already a couple of things are trying to take its parking spot.  Here is a picture of the two culprits caught red handed.
 Did you see them both?  Well maybe the next enlarged picture will show it better:
 Yep, the old khaki Jeep and Mr. or Mrs. or Miss Rabbit have taken over.  So where is the RV?
Well, it is at the RV's version of a plastic surgeon.  It has a lot of damage to it.  The drivers side was damaged on my last trip when the Jeep I was towing blew a tire.   Then, the last time I drove it into the driveway, I side swiped a tree.

My son cut down the tree that made it difficult to get the RV around the curve in my driveway.  It wasn't the one I hit but it was the one that really caused it.  In the following picture, the light colored area to the left is sawdust from where that tree was standing.  The tree you see at the left is the one that I hit.
Here is a close-up.  It is hard to see, but there are three scrapes on the tree to the left.  The bottom one is what got the basement doors.  The two above (hard to see in this picture) took out the power awning supports, the chrome trim, and a lot of other stuff.  The top of the tree got the vent cover in the bathroom. 

So, while the RV is in seeing the RV plastic surgeon, the Jeep and the rabbit can have its spot.  I am sure it is OK with it.  Now, I hope you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Awwwww,,, wish i had cottontales. I've never seen one here, and it's a perfect place.

    1. Maybe your cats keep them away. We have lots of them, and way too many squirrels. My son raises show rabbits. He is on Facebook under Wabbit Wancher, I believe.

  2. Hi Dick, listen I just wanted you to know that my blog has vanished. I didn't delete it, I had an account with Go Daddy, the fee was due this month but you had to log into blogger to get to where you pay? Every time I tried to do that it wouldn't take my sign in which I have used for years. It makes it difficult now following the bloggers I like so well because I don't have my blog list to use either now. I just put your blog in my Favorites so will try to comment more often so you'll know I'm still around. Also do you know Sissy she is in Tennessee but I can't recall her blog name. I'll look in your list and see if it's there maybe. Just wanted to say "HEY" and lety you know I'm still kcikin'>

    Kathie former Kat Happy Haven blog.

    1. My regular email address is by the way if you ever want to get in touch for any reason!

    2. Glad to hear that you are still kicking. Feel free to stop in and say "hi" anytime. I have family in Pennsylvania and to get there from here in Texas, I usually go through Ohio. I assume you still live there.

    3. When something doesn't work in 1 browser, i've learned to use another. In facebook IE wouldn't let me LIKE or post a reply, but chrome will.

  3. I messed up the whole left side of my 4VER when pulling away from a gas pump and scraped a big concrete post. I was so glad when the damage was repaired and I didn't have to look at it anymore. You will be seeing a pristine motorhome again!

    1. There is so much that needs doing. I don't know how much it will cost or how much the insurance will pay. I guess it doesn't matter, it has to be fixed.

  4. Those darned trees just jump out and get you. I've back the car into a couple of them and I swear they weren't there when I first looked. Oh well... repair shop or Bill with his bondo and sanding.... life goes on.

    1. I love trees, but I don't like the ones that have my name on them. . .

  5. Ouch on the RV - but I am glad that no-one was hurt. The very best sort of mishap to have (if you have to have one at all.)

    1. Yes, the best type to have if you have to have one. Hope to have it back soon.

  6. DD do you think Kathie will get my message here? It might help her with blogger.

    1. I don't know for sure, but she left her email address in her comment above.

  7. Glad your RV is in capable hands getting a facelift :D
