Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wondering About Some Babies.

My wife is making babies.  Is it cigar time?

No, I don't mean she is having babies, she is working with a bunch of cloth babies that she purchased at the flea market awhile back.  Most all of them were faceless, hairless, and just cloth colored, although there were a couple of black ones.

She stained them with coffee to get flesh tones and rubbed them with cinnamon to color and also to make them smell good.  She then sewed button eyes on their faces and hair on their heads.  She then made simple clothes for them to wear.  Yesterday, we bought a couple of nice big carts and she put all her new dolls in one of them.  So here is a picture of them happily riding in the cart. (To give you an idea of size, the cart is 16 inches wide by 30" long.)
As you can see, there are finished dolls and some only in the process.  She even crocheted a hat for one of them.  Now, that is a bunch of kids.  They say that kids are cheaper by the dozen, but there are more than a dozen riding in that cart.  Well, at least they seam happy and I want you all to also be happy and have a great day, you hear?


  1. And you don't have to put them through college.

    1. You are right, no I don't.!! I was thinking more towards the idea of a trade school. . .

  2. Your wife is so clever. The babies are so cute.

    1. Yes, my wife is clever. And they should be cute, they come from good looking parents. But, wife says they are ugly, they are prims..

  3. I like it that all seem to have a heart ;-) We all need one of those to make a kinder world, don't we?

    1. I ain't sure if they all have a heart, but some do. Just like the people in this world; some have a heart and some don't.

  4. My favorite doll is my DAMN IT one.. You grab a leg and start whacking on something,, saying,,, damn it damn it damn it.... Looks about like one of those,,,lolololol

    1. Dang, you sure do have that right. My wife calls them the Ugly Dolls.

  5. Bet they look better after the wife gor through with them than before!
