Monday, March 24, 2014

Wondering about Breakfast Cereal.

 They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  That may be right but a lot of people with jobs to get to don't always have time to fix and eat a good meal for breakfast before heading out the door.  Steak and eggs sound really good to me for breakfast. . . . and for lunch. . . . and for supper, or anytime.  But in reality, most of us just have cereal for breakfast.
I usually have rolled oats.  Well, I see now that Quaker just calls them "Quaker Oats".  The rolled oats are mixed with the proper amount of water in a micro-proof bowl and heated until they puff way up and almost overflow the bowl.  I do that two or three times to make sure they are nice and soft and fluffy.  I then put almond butter, butter, and agave for sweetener.  Yum, yum, good!!
Sometimes, if I am in a hurry for breakfast or maybe in the evening when I am watching TV and get hungry, I mix up another type of "breakfast" treat.  I mix Rice Checks cereal with vanilla yogurt and cranberry juice.  Oh, this is just so, so good!!  Sometimes I just skip the cereal and just mixt the cranberry juice with the vanilla yogurt.  That is a wonderful sweet-tart taste.  Try it sometime.
Of course, if you get up and say, "Holy Crap, what am I going to have for breakfast", I guess you could just have some Holy Crap:

No, this is not a joke.  Holy Crap is a real cereal.  I believe that it was first marketed on the west coast.  Not sure if it is available around here.  Have any of you ever seen it or tried it?  If so, give us a report.  I, for one, would like to know.  Now, Holy Crap, it is time I end this blog, so you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I can't believe you actually found some cereal named "Holy Crap!" Pretty unusual, that's for sure!

    1. I haven't seen it in the local stores here yet, but I will keep an eye peeled for it.

  2. Oatmeal... I put one measure in the bowl then two measures of boiling water, a quick stir & I let it sit.
    Later when I remember I left it on the counter (usually as I'm reading blogs in the morning) I pick it up and eat it. Every once & awhile I put some sugar on it.
    This is easy cause I'm boiling water for my coffee too...

  3. I have a question Dick, know anything about the 1st Monday Trade Days in Canton?

    1. It is held on the weekend before the first Monday of the month. Therefore the can be two in one month some times.

    2. That makes it the weekend after this one, any advice?

    3. Here is there web page:
      The next one is April 3rd thru the 6th. I haven't been up there for quite a few years, but would recommend good walking shoes, carry water, and if you can find a good camping ground, my wife says you may need at least 3 days to see it all, maybe more. I also recommend not to buy anything heavy too far from where you are parked (grin).

    4. A lot of walking... In Packwood Washington I took an ice chest on wheels (with a handle) just in case something heavy tried to go home with us, Packwood took two days.

  4. Breakfast is hard for me. Anything I look at the first two hours after get'n up makes me cringe. After two hours, I can eat anything.....usually a hardy lunch.

    1. I forgot to mention, a hardy lunch is usually a slice of bread an' a cold hot dog.

    2. I can take breakfast or leave it. But any excuse to eat is OK with me.

  5. When I have oatmeal I cook the old fashioned kind for about 10 minutes. Lately I discovered a cereal called "Malto Meal", which looks similar to cream of wheat except it is more of a tan color, probably because of the part of the wheat used, and the fact that it isn't bleached to an unnatural white. It is slightly flavored with maple & cinnamon flavors, and it is absolutely addictive! So good and extremely high in iron, which is why I tried it. If I'm in a hurry I sometimes eat Total. The cereal follows my strawberries and banans cut up. Hey, I'm trying to gain weight! I eat pretty often throughout the day, and try to make it high calorie foods.

    1. I have never had Malto Meal. I guess I will have to try it.

  6. I've have Kelloggs Raisin Bran for breakfast for about 65 years now... has to be Kelloggs ... not Post.... Okay... when we eat out I'll have bacon, eggs, home fries and toast. But I never get tired of my Raisin Bran... even found it in Costa Rica, but it cost me $10 a box there :-(

    1. I have never been too keen on raisins. I think they are a waste of grapes.

  7. I eat several different breakfasts. 1) 2 scrambled eggs, bacon, oj, milk 2) 2 scrambled egg with cheese, oj, milk, or 3) Quaker Whole Grain Oats with sugar, butter and a glass of milk. Sometimes, I have those things for dinner, too.

    I must look for the Holy Crap.

    1. Breakfast is good any time of the day, whenever you want to break your fast.

  8. I scramble an egg, dab of butter, milk, in the microwave (1 min, take out, stir, go 30 secs more or less, ) oj, 1 dry toast, dab of bacon bits in egg.
    I do eat oatmeal sometimes for lunch or supper, with 1 little box of raisins. Have to be up about 2 hours to eat, too..

    1. I like quick, easy meals and that sounds good to me. I usually don't eat breakfast until after I write my blog.

  9. For the past couple of years my breakfast has been a 'scramble'. Started off using eggs and whatever vegetables I could think of. Then switched to Eggbeater, then to Eggbeater plus tofu and now use only tofu. Continue to throw in lots of vegetables and sometimes pre-cooked quinoa or barley.
    Then once a week when I go to town I get a more traditional breakfast - Mexican breakfast about 1/2 the time, if I can find one.

    1. Sounds good to me. I love eggs mixed in and cooked with veggies.

  10. Holy Crap... HAhaaaa... well? why not ... I like yogurt also ... I get the plain and add some stuff ... I also keep pure cranberry juice... that's a good idea mixing some with the yogurt...

    REad a thing the other day because the juice is a bit bitter... I use no sugar in anything ... is to free the juice in ice cube trays then put a cube in whatever you're drinking. I drink water all day long usually with fresh lemon slices... but this seems like fun... cranberry cubes...

    eating is quite a todo. I like old fashioned oats too.... ;)

    1. I love cranberry juice mixed with yogurt. My special treat, especially in the late evening.
