Sunday, February 9, 2014

Wondering what is Your Favorite Phrase to Say?

I was wondering what my favorite phrase was.  I have lots of them and I bet you all have at least one phrase that you use more than others.  Now, other than profanity, what are your favorite phrases?  I suppose that mine is "What?", since I am hard of hearing.  OK, that isn't a phrase, it is just one word.  So, how about "What?  Could you repeat that, please?"  Or "What?  Say again."

My grandpa's favorite expression was "Jump'n Judas Priests".  My youngest uncle's was, "Hokey Spoons".  Some others that I have heard throughout the years:

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Get out of here.

Momma Mia.

Aah Shucks.

Dang it.

It's a jungle out there.

For crying out loud.

Heavens to Betsy

I got all my cards on the table.

It's all Greek to me.

and to end this list:  It's not over till the Fat Lady Sings.

Of course you could go back three and half years to one of my old blogs about colloquialisms:

Now, you all have a great day and "let me get the heck out of Dodge", you hear?


  1. Snatched you bald is one of the funniest ones I heard, haven't the foggiest idea what in tarnation it means.

    1. Jimkabob, I never heart that one. Must be local to your areal.

  2. Think i've used all of those. I catch myself saying,,, oooo mercy,,,

  3. Holy cows....Boy howdy....what the hell....
    them are probly my favorites even though they ain't actually say'ns
    The absence of profanity deletes half mine.

    1. I use "Holy cows" and "what the hell", but very seldom use "Boy howdy" although a lot of people around here use it.

  4. In thinking about this I can't really come up with anything, but I suppose anyone who knows me, or even those who read my blog, would be able to pick up on some of them. And off the blog I think some of mine would have some profanity.

    1. We all use a lot of them and some do have profanity mixed in.

  5. balderdash ~ bullshit ... whoa ... get outta town ... get OFF m'back ... in a hundred years what difference will it make ..

    I gotta million but those will do ;)

    1. Dang, I guess I forgot a lot of them. I have been known to use the ones you listed quite often.

  6. My favorite is " I hope this is the worst thing that happens the rest of my life."

  7. "Expectations leads to disappointment. " This is my favorite quote.
