Friday, February 7, 2014

Wondering Home to an Empty House.

It always feels strange to return home and not be greeted with barking and the excited pups who can't wait to greet us.  They were not there this morning!!  I don't like coming back to an empty house.

No, there is nothing wrong with the dogs.  We just dropped them off at the groomer's.  They get bathed, nails trimmed, groomed, and come home clean and beautiful with bows in their hair.  Well, the two gals have bows in their hair.  The boy says he is so beautiful that he can't be improved with a bow and anyway, real boys don't wear bows!!  The girls have their hair trimmed fairly short, since both of them have thick undercoats their hair gets tangled and knotted too bad when it is long (the boy doesn't have any undercoat).  They are so cute with long hair, but if it is not brushed about every hour or two, they manage to get it all knotted up.  A few times it was so bad that they had to get shaved and they don't like that.  Believe it or not, they seem very proud of their hair even though we don't let it get too long.  At least they haven't been in any stickers, cockle burrs, grass burrs, or any thing that sticks in or tangles their hair.  That usually happens when we are travelling.

Sorry Billy Bob, I know you don't like to see blog posts about pets or children.  I guess I should have warned you before you read this far, but I figured I would make you suffer though it first (grin).  Now, I hope you all have something or someone to come home to, and make sure that you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I've never had a dog that needed a haircut or taken to a groomer on a regular basis. It would kill me to fork over the $ for a doggie haircut.

    1. Before the Shih Tzus, we had a Peeka-Poo. Before that we had a Basset Hound. The Basset sure didn't need any hair cut but she did need a bath every now and then.

  2. I've seen your pictures, and they are really cute. And yep, they know it.

    1. We like them, and think they are cute. Of course we are prejudiced.

  3. My mom had miniature poodles... she spent more getting them all prettied up than she spent on herself. Those dogs even had to have the hair pulled out of their ears... But... she loved those dogs and they kept her happy - that's all that matters.

  4. Seems like your dogs are living a life of pure luxury Dizzy-Dick. I bet they enjoy being pampered like mad every time you take them there. And it must be nice when they return smelling of roses and looking pristine. I'm glad you're someone who looks after your dogs very well, as there are others who don't care. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. They are like our children, part of the family. We love them.

  5. I so love to read about people that care about their pets as much as your wife and you do.

    Bet you paid more to get your doggies groomed than we paid for our haircut and style :)

  6. You need at cat! Then you won't come home to an empty house. We have a new kitten, I am a fool for this cat. ( I think it had mind control powers)

    1. We had three cats at one time. Two were sisters, one black and one black and white. The black one was a typical mysterious black cat that would disappear for days at a time, the black and white one was a lap cat. Then we had Tommy, a tom cat. He made himself the protector of the other two.
