Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wondering about Planets.

How many planets are there?  If your answer is 8, that is only how many (including Pluto which has been demoted from planet status) that are in are solar system.  There are many planets in our universe, not just hundreds, or thousands, but millions and billions.  I may be wrong in my numbers but there is no way you can prove that I am wrong (grin).  

Here are a few that have been discovered that are larger than Mars and up to about Earth size.

And here are a few planets bigger than Earth but could possibly have some form of life:

But when I get down to choosing my favorite planet it would have to be the one I live on, Earth.  The last two pictures were taken from the moon of our beautiful planet.  Ain't it wonderful!!!
Now, be glad you are on Earth and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I am glad I'm here on this earth and while I like seeing Mars or Venus or whatever in the night sky, I have no desire to see them up close.... more interesting to me just to read blogs about them ;-)

    1. Earth is a rare place. There may be other earth like planets somewhere in the universe, but it is a huge, vast area and we will never be able to explore it all. Even at the speed of light, we couldn't ever go from one end of the universe to another, that is, if it has ends.

  2. Replies
    1. Some parts of it are better than others, but I like it here, too.

  3. There is no place like home! I am fond of Mars too, Mars, PA that is.

    1. Yep, both you and I can say we have been to Mars. . . I used to have a friend from that area who sang in the quartet, "Men from Mars". They did spiritual music. That was back in the 60's. He used to deliver fuel oil to me not long after our first son was born.

  4. I love earth and have no desire to go anywhere in space. I wish we could bring back the ancients for long enough that they could give decent names to the newly-found planets and solar systems. Who can remember all those numbers, and what kind of images or feelings do they evoke in our souls?

    1. I would rather be a name than a number, and I bet the planets would also prefer that. Now, they are named by what or who find them. A lot are found by our telescopes that are up in space. Some are placed in the same orbit as Earth, either following Earth or leading it.

  5. I really like seeing the Earth from orbit.
