Sunday, February 2, 2014

Instead of writing a blog today, I want you to go to the link I found on a friend of mine's blog.  This, which should have been headline news, seemed to be hushed up and tidied up by those in power.  Click on the link below and read the whole article from beginning to end and then try to have a good day. . . . you hear?

Let me know what you think about it.


  1. Dont you know, this has happened since the beginning of time? The coverups.

    1. Yep, but what happened to those poor people was a disgrace.

  2. Tried to comment on BBs post, won't let me. Never had that happen before.

    1. I see your comment on BB's blog. So you must have gotten the problem fixed.

  3. I am glad you linked to this. I do rely on the in the bed with the politicians news to be informed and have known for a long time of the grievous attack upon our citizens. What makes me wish to vomit is the lack of check by almost anyone. I mean NO one has been held accountable, no reviews were deeply questioned and of course like Trouble in Tx said...same old same old once again.

    I am truly no longer willing to participate with those in our elitist class of politicians and their cronies which includes pretty much all of our media from Hollywood to CNN as well as Fox. Even if Fox seems to be for the masses one must never forget that the Left is so extreme that Fox seems centrist when in truth they lean left as well.

    Thanks for the link. We should never forget our people~anywhere and everywhere in the world, in spite of what our government does.


    1. I am far right winged, for sure. Accountability is something that is left out of politics now-a-days.

  4. lol...correction I DO NOT rely for the first sentence. I guess glasses should be worn while typing as well as driving!
