Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wondering about New Year's Day

Of course I would wonder about New Year's Day.  Did you think that I wouldn't?  Do you know that it has actually been celebrated for over 4000 years?  It all got started in Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq.  Then in 46 BC, Julius Caesar reformed the calendar.  Shortly after that he was killed by Brutus.  The Roman Senate then voted to honor his life on the first of January.  So, I guess we owe the Roman Senate for New Year's Day.

OK, No, I ain't done yet.  The month of January was named after the deity Janus.  Janus had two faces, one looking back and one looking forward.  So, this month is a good time to look back over our lives and also a good month to look forward and plan for the future.  I have a lot of years to look back over so it may take me the rest of the day or week or month. . .  So, look back, but not for too long, and then look forward to the future that 2014 will hold for you and me and have a great New Year's Day, you hear?


  1. I think I'll look more to the future than the past. The way I figure, the future has to be better than this last year was!

    Happy New Year, buddy!

    1. I look back with fond memories of last year's trip to West Texas. I really enjoyed it even though we had a break-down on the way.

  2. I'll readily admit that I look back and enjoy my memories.. and look forward to what may be out there... but my favorite is living today. Each day has its own adventure and I love it!

    1. You sure do have the right idea on how to live and enjoy life.

  3. Good story Dizzy -and good advice.

    1. Thanks Sixbears, that is the way I try to live my life.

  4. We have so much fun on FB (facebook, DD) by bringing back memories. Like, my SIL (sister in law, DD) will post to us,,what is your favorite Queen song? etc, etc,,,, sooo much fun.

    1. What is a "Queen song"? Is that what they play before the queen enters the room?

    2. Look up Queen on youtube, play one of their songs, maybe Bohemian Rhapsody.

  5. It's always good to plan ahead but learn from the past I think.

    1. My Dad used to tell me that wise is he who learns from his own mistakes but doubly wise is he learns from other's mistakes. That is one reason for looking back as long as we don't dwell on the past.

  6. W e say we learn from the past but I wonder if we do?

    1. Only the wise do, and there are very few of them. It does seem that history has a way of repeating its self, so I guess most of us don't learn from the past.

    2. I've learned from my past,,,does that count?

  7. Happy New Year, Dizzy... I took Latin for two years in high school. Learned a bit about the history of a bunch of thises and thats. interesting crowd ~ so advanced then ... whooosh ~ at least they didn't expire like the first Mayans ... and neither did we in 2012 ... there were people who actually believed we were going to go away in 2012. yep

    1. There is always some one predicting the end of the world. It will come some day, and few will be ready.
