Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year and Trying to Fly.

Sure hope 2014 turns out to be a wonderful year for all of you out there in Blogger Land.  A new year is supposed to bring new hope for the future.  Let us hope this coming year will do just that.  But, I always remember what my ole Dad always told me when I was feeling depressed.  He would say, "Son, nothing is ever so bad. . . that it can't get worse!!".  I will always remember that, then when things get better, I am pleasantly surprised (grin).

Last Friday I went out to load the two full garbage cans into the back of the Jeep to take them down to the road for pick-up and I had a little unexpected flight.  When will I ever learn that man was never made to fly on his own (well, maybe Superman could)?  You see, I was carrying two full plastic garbage cans, one in each hand, and when I took the first step to go down the porch stairs, something happened and I found myself and the cans flying through the air heading for the ground below.  Here is a couple of pictures of the porch stairs:

And of course, this picture is looking down them.  I fell right down the middle of them:

Thank goodness I was carrying those cans because I landed on them and they broke my fall.  Even though the whole experience was traumatic to my old body, it sure could have been a lot worse.

After what seemed to me to be forever, I finally seemed to have shaken my cold and cough.  Oops, I just coughed.  Oh well,  I guess I have almost shaken off my cough.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Wow, that was a close call and I hope everything is still in place with your body. Be careful on those stairs Dizzy-Dick, none of us are as young as we use to be.

    And at last that cough seems to be slowly trailing off.

    Anyway, Have a grand and happy New Year. Only a few hours to go now. Celebrate with a nice glass of wine snuggled up close to the wife :) See you next year.

    1. I think everything is still in the same place. Not sure if that is good or not (grin). I haven't had a drink in many, many years. So will forgo the wine part.

  2. Ouch! well? at least you know you got good old bones ... maybe your cough will miraculous disappear entirely at midnight ... happy New Year !

    1. These bones have served me for over 70 years so I would like to keep them in the shape they are in now.

  3. Shaking off a cold isn't supposed to involve actual shaking. Take care of yourself there Dizzy. Have a good New Year's.

    1. There for a few seconds I felt like Superman but the ground came up very fast and then I realized that I wasn't super at all.

  4. Glad you didn't break anything important! Happy New Year, buddy!

    1. The only thing that I hurt was my pride, being thrown out with the garbage. . .

  5. We sure don't bounce very well do we. I am sore too. Now we have a good excuse to take it easy during this nasty weather.

    1. You hit a harder surface than I did. The garbage cans acted like a pillow and saved me a lot hurt, for sure.

  6. Happy New Year to you and yours. Lets hope 2014 brings you good health and a clear path. Glad you are feeling better!

    1. And a Happy New Year to you and yours. Keep on blogging and keep on doing your art.

  7. Glad you survived the fall. I find myself using the handrails more than I use to. Hope you have a great 2014!

    1. Me too!! I still don't know why I fell the whole way down the steps. There must have been a gremlin that tripped me.

  8. Glad you weren't seriously hurt... it just takes too darn long to heal as we get older. Happy New Year... hope 2014 is great for you and yours!

    1. Boy are you correct about taking a lot longer to heal or get over a cold or the flu when we get older. I am really glad I didn't get hurt bad. And you have a great 2014, too.

  9. Oh! Now you are competing with Barney.
    I hope you both feel better soon.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. Yep, but I will be a gracious looser. He is worse off than I am. I landed on soft garbage pails and he hit the hard floor.

  10. Glad those trash cans cushioned your fall. Just wondering if you got a flu shot this year? I never do but my uncle swears by them...yet he still got the flu...go figure!

    Happy New Years to you and your family :)

    1. No, I never get them and I very rarely get the flu. I had a friend who took them and became paralyzed. Haven't had one since and that was about 45 years ago.

    2. Hi DD, Me too. I have never had flu or a flu shot, in my 78 years, and don't intend to start getting them now.

      When I go to the doctor, they say "Where is your bag of meds so we can look them over?" They can't believe that I don't take any meds at my age. Big Pharma doesn't make any money off me!!
      Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

    3. You are lucky to be so healthy. I take blood pressure pills and thyroid pills. I feel lucky to be only taking these. They are low dosage pills and would like to keep them low or be able to stop them. We will see.
