Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wondering about the Packer Party

I am sure all of you have heard the story about the Donner Party:

But, have you ever heard about the Packer Party?  No, it wasn't a birthday party or graduation party or. . . it was another party that, like the Donner Party, that went terribly wrong.  Here is a picture of Alfred Packer:

It seems that Alfred E. Packer, acting as their guide, took five men on a hunting trip to Colorado.  They got caught in a fierce blizzard during the winter of 1873.  He killed, no, I will say he murdered all five of them and survived by eating those men.

Yes, he went to trial over this, accused of murder.  The thing that I found interesting, if not a little humorous (no, not the murders, but what the judge said), is what the judge said.  I am going to quote exactly what the judge said:
"Stand up, you man-eating son-of-a-bi...., and receive your sentence!  There were seven Democrats in Hinsdale County, but you, you voracious, man-eating son-of-a-bi..., you ate five of them.  I sentence you to be hanged by the neck until you're dead, dead, dead, as a warning against reducing the Democratic population of the state."

OK, now you know another story similar to the Donner Party story.  Unlike the Donner Party, where they only ate those who had already died of starvation or freezing, Packer killed the members of his party, and not one by one, but all at one time.  Now, you all enjoy your meals and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Long ago I read the book about the hockey? team that crashed on a mountain and were there for months. They ate the dead too. I was so horrified, and still am.

    1. Yes, I remember that, too. I guess they had to what they had to do to stay alive.

    2. Thaqt was the Miracle of the Andes (El Milagro de los Andes) when a chartered flight carrying 45 people, including a rugby team, their friends, family and associates that crashed in the Andes on 13 October 1972. The last 16 survivors were rescued on 23 December 1972, more than two months after the crash.

  2. PS: How are yall coping without doing those cards every day?

    1. Not good, especially my wife. She is crocheting an afghan and leg warmers. Things will never be the same.

  3. I'd never heard this story... I wonder if those he killed had been republicans if he'd have got the same sentence ;-)

    1. Ha, ha, probably. Maybe we republicans were in the minority back then, too.

  4. I wonder what he asked to have for his last meal?

  5. Methinks I have lost my appetite.

    1. Sorry, but maybe you should reread this blog just before sitting down to your Thanksgiving meal and it will guarantee you will not over eat (grin).

  6. HAhaaaaa ... well? I thought your title was about the Green Bay Packers... but instead a cannibal and not only a cannibal but a Republican cannibal... that's just plain mean ~

    1. He may have come from Green Bay, I don't know (grin). Yep, that was just plain mean.

    2. There is nothing in the story that indicates that Packer was a Republican. The judge described him as a "man-eating son-of-a-bi..." which was to be hanged as a warning to those that would eat Democrats. Democrats have been known to eat their own as have Republicans; there is along history of that happening in this country.

  7. That Judge sounds like he's had a little too much to drink before sentencing. I really had a good laugh at how he stated it.

    I guess this man was very hungry to have eaten them before they died of anything. He was stocking up and didn't want any of them to kill him first or he planned the whole thing to commit murder.

    When I think about it, none of us really know what we are eating right now. Remember the horse in our foods recently?

  8. I think I would prefer venison or rabbit or squirrel!! As far as I know, I have never had horse meat. I bet it ain't too bad. Back when I hunted, the first meal I had of the deer I shot was liver, yum yum.

    1. DD, horse is pretty good. I have been told that it is a lot like elk but have never eaten any elk.

    2. Ed, I also, have not eaten either and probably never will.

  9. My brother in law, who was on a survey crew in the Colorado mountains about 20 years ago, came back laughing and telling us about the Alferd Packer Restaurant at the University of Colorado at Boulder... Just checked, and it is still there: http://umc.colorado.edu/dining/aprg
