Monday, November 11, 2013

I salute the veterans today.

This is Veterans' Day and I want to give them all my thanks and admiration for their service to the United States and to the world in general.  Enjoy your day, you sure did earn the right to have your own day.  My son was in the self propelled artillery and stationed in Germany back when the wall came down.  My Dad was an M.P. during WW2, and I must admit I was not in the armed service.  I took two years of R.O.T.C in college and played in their Army marching band, but that is as much service as I had.  They told me I couldn't go on with the advanced part and become an officer because of some illness that I had when I was a boy, but I could enlist as PFC.  What??  Now, that didn't make a lot of sense to me.

I am a little frustrated this morning.  I tried and tried to get my scanner to communicate with my lap-top.  It just would not do it.  Maybe it is time for new one, but this one is not very old.  I had something that I wanted to blog about but without the picture to post, it would not be as easy to explain.  Maybe someday later on down the road.

We have been having beautiful and cool days here in East Texas.  The highs have been around 70 but the lows at night get down in the 50's.  Now they tell me that Wednesday and Thursday will be down in the 30's.  Now that is COLD for around here this time of year.  It has been a long time since we have had a cold winter, so maybe this one will break the trend and get cold.  Hot or cold, I still want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Would be a nice change of pace to have a some what cold Winter, wouldn't it? Crazy as it sounds, I kinda wish it happens, if even for a week or so!

    1. We have had a few that I remember, but I have only been in Texas since 1980. When I started work down here, a cool front had come through and everyone was wearing heavy coats. I was comfortable with only a light, short sleeved shirt. They knew right off that I was a displaced Yankee. . .

  2. I'm hoping we head to Texas by the end of next week... we had frost on the ground here in Ohio this morning. It's midafternoon here and all the way up to 51 degrees.... brrrrr.... Sorry your computer problems continue.

    1. Please don't bring any of that cold weather (Mr. Jack Frost) with you when you head down this way. I think a computer should be spelled "p r o b l e m" for sure.

  3. A cold winter? Define cold Texas winter....

    I have used my phone to take a picture of something I wanted in the blog and sent it to my computer, from the computer to the blog was easy.

    1. A cold winter here would be a two or three days when there is frost on the ground in the morning. It has been awhile since that happened here where I live. Of course, it depends where in Texas you are, it is a big state. From the southern tip to the top of the panhandle is about the same distance as from the north of Florida to the south of Pennsylvania.

  4. Veteran's day, Remembrance Day, a time for respectful silence for those who served and whose live's were cut short. And for those who continue to serve in the horrors of war that still go on.

    Thank goodness your temperatures were in Fahrenheit. I'd be real worried about y'all.

    1. Yes, those who served or are serving deserve our respect and of course those who fell in combat, doubly so.

      You are right that it is a good thing those temperature numbers were in Fahrenheit instead of Centigrade.

  5. I guess I knew you were in East Texas... maybe not.... my hometown was Texarkana... that's pretty East... !

    Here in Little Rock ... freezing tomorrow and Wednesday nights! done to 27-28! nooooooooo

    My little DIL heads into training at 5:45 am in the morning to be sequestered for her army intensive training .. WOCS? no communication for at least 5 weeks.

    She said she will have to kill and skin and cook a rabbit... among other things... that would be a deal breaker for me... for sure. She'll be training as a medic helicopter pilot...


    1. I live on the East side of Cut & Shoot, which is about 30 some miles north of Houston.

      When I was a kid, I killed, skinned and cleaned, and cooked and ate many rabbits and squirrels. Yum, Yum!!

    2. I knew that! I think you've told me at least 1200 times! even talked about Cut & Shoot! ... CRS ... pitiful

  6. I had a similar thing happen to me when I tried to enlist. They said my blood pressure was too high and they could not take me. I asked if they would take me if I were drafted and the answer was - YES. Went back home and had blood pressure reading taken by my doctor on three different days and submitted those readings. Enlisted and served in both the Dominican Republic and Vietnam.

    1. I can understand that they only want healthy people in the service, but why two standards?
