Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wondering what these could be?

I am wondering if you can guess what is in this first picture.  To me, it looks like some fancy gold embossing on pure white linen or silk.  What would be your first quick impression?  Oh go ahead, take a guess, you may be right.


I sure do hope you guessed the right answer without looking down here below the picture for the answer.  OK, I will tell you without any more hesitation.  It is a picture taken by a space craft orbiting Mars and the picture is of Mar's south pole which defrosts each time summer comes to that region of the Red Planet.  Ice sheet pits ringed with gold-colored dust appear where frozen carbon dioxide changes directly into gas.  In a few months from when this picture was taken, cold temperatures again will freeze out the carbon dioxide.  The above came directly out of Astronomy, the magazine.

OK, how about another picture, this time of our moon?  This last picture is the west wall of Aristarchus Crater:
Sorry about the line down the right side of the picture.  That is the seam in my magazine.  Just didn't want you to think that there was a telephone pole on mars!!  You want a closer look, just click on the pictures to enlarge them.  Now, back here on Earth, I have an appointment with the eye doctor this morning, so have to go get ready but I also want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I thought the top photo looked like solder drippings from a sloppy plumbing job. Maybe I should get my eyes checked too.

    1. Heck, maye the Martians are sloppy solderers and they are huge solder drippings.

    2. Yes, Sixbears, get those eyes checked fast mate, ha ha ha

  2. DD, I swear,,, you lose me every time on this stuff,,,lol..

  3. Had no idea what it could be and even after you revealed it, still was at a loss. The world/universe is one heck of a place I say...

  4. I only missed it by a few hundred thousand miles.... actually, I had no idea and could only come up with some arts or crafts thing. It's always interesting where your mind wanders....

  5. Both pictures are beautiful, and I wouldn't have expected anything like it on Mars or the Moon.

  6. Trouble, I sure hope I do not lose you so bad you can't find your way back to my blog. Please say you know the way back and aren't lost that bad!!

    Rum-Punch Drunk, Yes, you say right. It is one heck of a place with many marvelous things, some beyond understanding.

    The Odd Essay, I would have never have guessed it either even though my mind wonders in so many places.

    Gypsy, the universe always comes up with the unexpected, that is for sure.

  7. get outta town... Mars? how cool is that!? beautiful. thought Mars was red... interesting how it reflects red and it's white and gold ... aren't those heaven's colors? oooooo Martians are angels...

    oh, the plot thickes....

    1. Most of the planet is covered with reddish dust. These fancy featurea are temperary and only show up at or near the poles when the seasons change.

  8. You ain't fooling me I know that really is a telephone pole.

    1. You got me. It is an antenna mast for recieving our television shows. Can you imagine what aliens would think about us if they intercepted our TV shows?
