Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wondering about James Dean's car.

Some of us are old enough to remember James Dean and the car that he was killed in.  That event happened way back in September of 1955.  But, what ever happened to his death car?  Some believed that it carried a curse.  I am going to explain why and then want you all to decide.  Dean was driving 80 mph when he was killed in a head on collision.  There were no signs of him attempting to avert the collision.  Can only wonder why since he was an expert driver.  Now it starts to get a little weird.

Fans of James Dean were the first to be injured when they tried to collect souvenirs from the wreckage.  Then a garage mechanic had both of his legs broken when Dean's car fell on him as he was trying to restore it.  Then one doctor was killed and another badly injured after they bought parts from Dean's car and installed them on their own race cars.  Another man purchased the two undamaged tires and installed them on his own car.  Yep, you guessed it, they both blew out at the same time causing a wreck which put the guy in the hospital  Then the California Highway patrol planned to use the remains of the car in an auto safety show but a fire broke out the night before destroying every car but Dean's.

It doesn't get any better.  Again bound for Salinas in a truck, the driver lost control of the truck that was carrying it.  He lost his life instantly.  As if it didn't want to go to Salinas, Dean's car rolled off that truck.  And if that isn't enough to convince you, the next time they tried to show it, the car, now welded back together, broke apart into eleven pieces.  Now for the surprise (or not) ending.  The Florida police were going to take the car for a safety display.  All the parts were carefully crated and loaded onto a truck to take them to the show.  It just plain disappeared, never to be seen again.  So where did all the eleven pieces go?  Could this car really have a curse attached to it?  Your guess is as good as mine and I would like to hear your guess.  Now let's hope you are not or ever will be under a curse or a black cloud, but have a very great day, you hear?


  1. So, who put the curse on it and why?

    1. Maybe James Dean did just before hitting that other car head on???

  2. My guess is it got dumped on a salvage barge going to eastern Europe and was rein-car-nated as a Yugo. The curse continued.

    1. I would have answered your comment earlier but I couldn't quit laughing at your wit. "rein-car-nated as a Yugo" Very funny and your are probably right. . .

  3. I didn't know that! well? lots of things I don't know. I didn't realize he died in 1955... wow. I remember that so well.

    I think James Dean cursed it. He had a death wish... had to... haven't thought of this in eons...

    1. I remember what a shock it was with all us school kids. Oops, I guess I am giving my age away. . . again.

  4. I remember it as one of those times everything is like yesterday. All the girls crying and me asking ?s.. Have a poster of him hanging in my living room right now,,,hahahaha.
