Monday, August 19, 2013

Wondering about the crazy weather.

Living here in the Piney Woods of East Texas, we are not too far from the Gulf and we have hot, humid summers.  So, when I got up yesterday I couldn't believe how nice and cool it felt.  How cool was it?  Well, it wasn't THAT cool but with the dry air, which we seldom have, and the cool front blowing in, it was a pleasant relief, if only for a few hours in the morning.  It later got back up in the 90's.  But for short time, a very short time, it was nice and cool.  Don't believe me?  Well take a look at the picture I took and see for your self:

Yep, I got up to a cool 64 degrees and it sure did feel good.  What made it feel even better was that there was also a light breeze blowing.  I sure hope your day was good, too.  But for today, try to have a really good day, you hear?


  1. It even cooled off here too! I even opened my windows one day til mid afternoon.

    1. Reminiscence of early Spring or late Fall. No matter what, I'll take it.

  2. If only we could be blessed with your cool weather, we would have a gorgeous summer each year. Not too long ago I had the central heating on. But this week we are supposed to have a hot one. Can't wait. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. It is up in the mid 90's here now. This morning was unusual, but that was before 07:00 this morning.

  3. It's amazing how much better you feel with a break in the heat and humiditty, still pretty soggy here in VA. The mosquitoes have started wearing life preservers and the mold is taking over everything.

    1. I guess our normal weather moved over to Virginia. I thought you would have commented on my 08-17-13 blog posting.

    2. I didn't see it till the day after. Great picture!I really like that one, he seems very happy. Can you imagine, over 50 years on the railroad.

  4. ah, the piney woods of East Texas... did I know that? I knew you lived in Texas ... my hometown is Texarkana. I do love m'pine trees.

    It has been gorgeous weather here too but going back up this week. that's ok... great break

    hahaaa jimkabob... wearing life preservers OOoooh how I hate mosquitoes and the blasted mold! fighting it in one window AC ... driving me insane

    1. I live in Cut & Shoot. Yes, it is a town and has a post office with its own zip code.

    2. haha.... yes, I know of Cut & Shoot... I lived in Dallas for 20 years and have traveled much of good ol Texas... you ever been to Uncertain, Texas?

      We got lots of great names there.

  5. Even here on the far south side of Houston, the humidity has dropped to 65%. I sure wish it would cool down just a tad during the day!

    Right now it's only 92 on my patio (2:00pm), so that's not too bad!

    1. It has been a cool day. Only got up to the low to mid 90's.

  6. Diz, what does land go for per acre down in your neck of the woods?

    1. Not sure but it is way too much. Sure glad I got mine many years ago. Of course I am on the "wrong" side of town. The prices are sky high on the lake side of town. Check on line at a real estate sales web sitie.

  7. We finally got some of that cool weather, too.... until at least 9am or so ;-) Really, though, it sure makes for a good night's sleep!

    1. The Odd Essay, Yes it does, but my dogs will not let me sleep in past 06:00 to 06:30 and I stayed up to watch the top fuel drag races on TV last night.
