Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Son's Wandering to Sturgis.

My son, his girl friend and buddy went to the big motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.  They had a great time and took a lot of side trips, like to Devils Tower, Wyoming.  I thought maybe you would be interested in a few of his pictures and since MsBelinda, who writes the blog , asked me to post some of the pictures, I will do so.  This first one is of my son riding his Harley:

The next one shows what down town Sturgis looks like during the rally:
And my son's girlfriend with her small dog.  Yes, the dog likes to ride on the motorcycles and it has its own pair of goggles:


And let's ride along on one of their side trips:

Rodney's girl friend was interviewed by a Swedish television news crew and she said that it will be shown on the Travel Channel:

There you have it MsB.  Doesn't it look like everyone had a lot of fun, young and old?  Now all of you have a great day today, you hear?


  1. I used to go to bike week in Laconia NH. Never made it out west though, and now the bike is in retirement. Can't be everywhere doing everything. Oh well. Great pics!

  2. I would love to have a bike again but my wife says NO!!

  3. My sister-in-law accidentally wandered into Sturgis while on vacation a few years ago... had NO idea what she was getting into ;-) As far as I know, all she came away with was a tee-shirt and a bunch of photos.....

  4. During my 2nd marriage, we hosted 2 biker meets at his ranch,,,nothing like Sturgis tho. But still, tons of fun.

  5. The Odd Essay, It is a wonder there was room for a full sized vehicle (grin). I bet she thought she was in another world.

    Trouble, They must be fun. This isn't the first time my Son has gone to Stergis.

  6. good looking kids! having fun ... what else is there ;)

  7. It was a great vacation for them, that is for sure. Like I told you all on an earlier blog, they did have a front tire blow out and cause a lot of damage. But they did get home safe and sound and with some memories.

  8. Thank you so much for posting these pictures of your son and his girlfriend's trip to Sturgis.

    Bet they had a blast. Many of my friends have attended in the past but no longer do so. They said it was a blast and one of a kind experience.

    Bet that Swedish camera crew fell in love with her little dog!

    Thanks again :)

    1. Everybody, me included, falls in love with that little dog. She always paints in finger nails or shouls I say paw claws.

    2. did my cat's nails ONE time, from then on, she disappeared when I opened a bottle,,,lol

  9. Let us know when the show airs on the Travel channel. I don't think I could ride from Texas to S. Dakota on a motorcycle. It is impressive that they did it!

    1. I have no idea when the show will air. BTW, I am sorry if I left the wrong impression. They didn't ride from the Gulf Coast of Texas where we live all the way up there. They pulled a trailer with the bikes in them. Did you read my Aug. 15th blog the other day showing the blow out that my son had on the trip?
