Monday, June 24, 2013

Wondering about vines and a big moon.

I have a lot of vines of all varieties on my property, but around my house it seems that the wild grape vines are quite abundant.  Some of these vines are quite athletic, too, able to jump great distances.  There is one just outside of the dogs fenced yard that is a perfect example.  It has gone from one tree to another that is quite aways away and it looks like both ends are about on the same level, although it does sag in the middle.  Now, tell me, how did this vine jump across that void so far?  Nature amazes me!!!  You don't have to go very far at all to see its wonders.  Take a look, click the picture and enlarge it, and tell me how it did its trapeze trick.

Now I suppose all of you had heard about how close the moon would be to the earth last night.  Yep, it was the closest it will be until August of next year.  Therefore, even with my cheap little camera, I had to try and get a picture of it.  I am sorry, but that is the best I could do.  But any picture will not do it justice unless you had taken one last month when it was near the same phase.  Believe me, it did look quite large and bright.   

Hey Barney, was the tides extra high and low?  Since the moon is so close and it is what affects the tides. . . just wondering.  Do you know that without the moon there would be no tides and the ocean would not be as dynamic and filled with the same type of aquatic life?  No, I am not going to get into that subject today, so all of you have a great day today, you hear?


  1. The vine I have that's doing real well this year is my Bavarian hops. Hope I get lots of flowers for a batch of beer.

  2. Had 2 of your blogs to read today, didn't see one yesterday either.
    Vines are grabby things,,,lol.

  3. Yep the tides are running higher and lower.

  4. There were vines like that in the woods behind my house in NC. I hated those ugly things especially after seeing how they eventually strangled some of the younger trees. As for how they can leap such distances, they are alive you know.

    I missed the moon entirely last night as we had rain and overcast sky. I woke up at about 2 am and saw the moon's light through some of the clouds, but could never see the moon itself.

  5. The vine question is simple to got monkeys in yer yard. I 'member as a youngster, we used to try to swing on know, like Tarzan did. Scrapes an' bruises ya cain't. "Rope Billy Bob, ya gotta use a rope".

    1. Heck, Dad taught us how to smoke grape vine,,,

  6. Sixbears, don't know much about beer making but I do know that good hops are a must.

    Trouble, I had, and still having trouble with blogger. I can't find my list of blogs I visit on my home page. I had to the list beside my blog.

    Barney, I figured they would be. Thanks, I didn't know for sure now I do.

    Gypsy, yes they do strangle some of the weak trees. Look for the moon again tonight. There shouldn't be too much difference.

    Billy Bob, my place is turning into a jungle, so there just may be some monkeys. . . I used to swing on those vines on the steep wooded hills of Pennsylvania when I was a kid. Got the wind knocked out of me a few times when the vines pulled loose.

  7. Honeysuckle and grape vines strangle young trees and all manner of "good" vegetation in SE Ohio... When we'd walk through the woods, Bill would just slice through the vine never bothering to pull it down. They'd die off and fall down eventually. But those grape vines would grow thick as a man's arm... real massive. So... how did your vine do its trapeze act?

    1. The Odd Essay, That vine must have done that when it was young and fool of piss and vinegar, just jumped over to that other tree all by itself. It is surprising how far they can reach out seaching for something to climb on. And yes, they can kill trees.

  8. I am also having problems finding some of the blogs I follow on my blogger list.

    Your page to the right where your blog roll is...keeps on shaking and is making me dizzy. Same thing happened to me in Tffnguy's blog :(

    1. I guess we are all spoiled. We expect perfection. It is a wonder everything works as well as it does. Thanks for the report, now I know it just wasn't my computer.
