Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wondering about a guitar and a snake.

Yeah, I went to the flea market again today.  My wife got some stuff for her art work and card making and I didn't get anything, as usual.  There are a lot of neat things for sell, if you take the time to look.  I showed you that "kit" I saw yesterday.  Today, I am going to show you a special guitar that I spotted.

Did you notice that body of this guitar is a bed pan?  And did you notice whose picture was in the bed pan part?

And it has an unusual name; but it does sound a little familiar. . .

My son came up to my place with his big ole gasoline powered weed eater that had a saw blade on it.  He trimmed grapevines and bushes that were trying to invade my home and porch and then trimmed around some trees and along the drive way.  That is where he spotted this snake, which we believe was a King Snake.
My son snapped a picture with his phone since I didn't have my camera with me.  I tried to crop just the head and enlarge it, put there was not enough pixels  to allow that without being very blurry.  It was fairly long, about four feet plus or minus a few inches.  It was none aggressive and they do a lot of good around the place.  It went on its merry way.  Looked like it was headed for the swamp.  He better hurry, it is drying up fast.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. The minute I read that you had no comments, I came running. I think you should show what your dear wife bought.

  2. Uh....that comment was from Dana. I don't know why it is using this old address.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Now I know that blogger is working and I just didn't have a good blog posting today and that is why I haven't gotten any comments.

  3. I saw your comment on Barney's blog as I also wondered why you being a daily blogger did not have a post today.

    Must say I have never seen a bed pan guitar before! Now that snake is scary. How do you know it is a "good" snake?

    Good thing it is in your property and not mine or he/she would have been a "dead" snake!!

    1. MsB, I don't know if it was a "good" snake; maybe it had a lot of bad habbits (grin). It was not poisonous and they eat rodents. I don't like to kill any snakes but do the poisonous ones because I don't want my pups bit by a venomous snake.

  4. There's just 4 poison ones here, so if you know them, the rest are ok.
    I didn't see a blog yesterday, either.

  5. Trouble, I got a bunch of comments, so it must be visible to some.

    Jill, but they are beutiful.
