Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wondering about gravity.

Gravity is, you know, the force that pulls you toward the center of earth especially hard when you are standing on the scales.  Some people think that gravity is one of the strongest forces in the universe.  Wrong!  I will have to agree that gravity is what keeps the planets in place around our sun and which control a large percentage of the universe, but I will give you an example of why it is not the strongest force.  Take refrigerator magnets for example.  They stick to the refrigerator door and can also hold paper or other stuff up with them.  I have seen magnets with small hooks to hang towels, etc. on and they all seem to overcome gravity and stay in position.  In fact of the four forces, gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force gravity is the weakling.  No one yet has discovered what really causes gravity.  Once it can be completely understood, then maybe they can come up with "anti-gravity".  That will help out when you step on the scales, and a minor advantage would be an anti-gravity device to power your flying saucer.

Another thing I wonder about is the origin of words and phrases.  Gravity's first meaning was something weighty or serious originating from the Latin word "gravis" meaning heavy.  All the things in the formula for gravity on the top line are divided by the distance squared.  That means that an object twice as far away has only a quarter of the gravitational force.  So any object light years away has very, very little force acting on us, but as infinitesimal as it is, it is still there although we may not be able to detect it.  Now, the next time you step on a scales you can think about how gravity affects not only you but everything, and I mean, everything.  Now, you all have a great day today and stay off the scales, you hear?


  1. Gravity also pulls parts of us down that we really don't want to be down. I'm no longer a luscious woman in a bikini top. (Never was, but that isn't the issue.)

    1. Gypsy, Now I bet you still are that luscious gal. You do know that mirrors do tend to lie.

  2. Hi Dick,
    Kathie here ( Kat Happy Haven) I just want you to know I am still reading even though I am not great at commenting which I learned from Billy Bob today is the most important thing to a blogger. That makes sense! So I am going to try to do better in the future. I'm even considering starting back on my own blog. I was planning to in January but then some things happened and I just didn't have time to devote to it but now "life" is evening out again so I have a bit more time.
    Just wanted to let you know I am here, please give my best to your lovely better half also.


    1. I am so glad to hear from you again. I was really worried about you, even mentioned it one of my blogs. Now that you are no long missing in action, keep in touch now and then.

  3. I don't like the scales at all these days.
