Friday, June 7, 2013


Dang, I woke up at 03:30 with the room spinning around so fast I didn't know which way was up.  It took awhile but I got it down to a slow jerky turning, so attemped to make a trek into the bathroom.  With a little assistance of the walls and the doorway, I made it in and back to bed.  Got up at my dogs' usual time (can't sleep past the time the dogs want up) and I still have some vertigo lingering on.  I have to go back to get my blood test this morning and now my wife is worried about me driving.  She is going to go along.  What good that will do, I have no idea but I enjoy her company and it will be "an outing" (grin).

I haven't had a night like this since I quit drinking over 20 some years ago.  This was actually worse (because I didn't have any fun getting that way) and it does worry me, because I do not know what caused it.  I had to have quit breathing, don't you think?  I do use oxygen during the night so maybe the opposite is true.  I could have hyper-ventalated and got too much oxygen.  Or, maybe the hose got wrapped around my neck, or maybe. . . .??  And no, I am not going to go back to the doctor today, that would just give him an excuse to do a lot more tests.  I seem to be completely over it now.  I hope so.

I am starting to get really hungery.  I have to wait until after the blood test to eat, so I think I will be in a hurry to get back home.  Since we will not be going past Hobby Lobby or Michels on the way home, it will not tempt my wife who likes to shop at both those stores.  Well, at least I had a cheap drunk (grin).  Now, you all have a nice a day and hope things don't spin too much for you, you hear?


  1. You skipped the fun part and went straight to the hangover. Take care, when you 're tall, it is a long way to fall.

  2. Just be careful, buddy! Especially driving!

  3. Jimkabab, Thanks for the advice. I will try not to fall.

    HJ, I seemed to be able to drive OK, at least I got to the blood lab and back OK. Ms Dracula did her job and now I am a couple of vile low on blood (grin).

    Trouble, I did, thanks.

  4. My mom had vertigo off and on for a while after my dad died in 1978. I can't remember if they knew what caused it.

    1. I just think the world is spinning too fast now a days.

  5. My lovely wife gets vertigo about twice a year. she keeps meds with her all the time just in case. Its basicly the same stuff they give for sea sickness.

    1. If she gets it when you are sailing, it just may counteract the wave motion and everything will feel level for her. Or it could amplify the rocking. Hope it is the first. This was my first real attack of it and I did not enjoy it at all. It is now 21:00 and I feel a lot more stable.

  6. Could it have been the fasting? Glad you are feeling better now.

  7. Now, your blog name sums this all up for true or is it a coincidence "Dizzy Wanderings & Wonderings?"

    I think you should get it all fully checked out mate. To be fully asleep then awake to such spinning, it doesn't sound right to me. I'm not trying to scare you but asking that you just be careful, as sometimes we get warning signs but take no notice.

    Glad your wife decided to go with you as I don't fancy seeing you on the UK TV news driving all over the place on some road with a helicopter above, plus several policemen trying to stop you from going around in vicious circles, ha ha ha (funny but not funny).

    Hope it all gets sorted though and take care.

  8. MsB, No, because I did eat supper as usual and didn't eat after that but I don't usually most of the time.

    Rum-Punch Drunk, I could picture how you described my "dizzy" drive and got a good laugh. Yep, I am Dizzy.
