Monday, May 6, 2013

Wow, what a coincidence!!  There was a TV show on this morning that explained the origin of many of the words and sayings that we use today which meant something quite different at the start but evolved into what they are today.  I would have had a lot more examples had I seen this show before I wrote yesterday's blog.  It was a very interesting show.  My wife recorded it so I will go back and watch it again, take some notes, and maybe blog about it.

Not much new around here.  Did go to the flea market this weekend, even though the early morning hours felt more like Winter than late Spring.  It got down to the low 40's but warmed up rather fast to the 70's.  As we were getting ready to leave, we discovered that this old Studebaker had parked behind out Jeep.  Nice looking old truck:

 Here is a close-up of the name:

 And that lady with the leopard hat on admiring it is my lovely wife:

The flea market was really busy even though there were other things going on around the area.  Vendors spilled out into the parking lot.  The place was really buzzing, but that is not uncommon on nice days.  Speaking of nice days, you all have a great one today, you hear?


  1. Gosh, you left out what great thing you found..

  2. I didn't find anything but my wife did. She got a cutting sewing board for a fraction of what they sell for in Wal*Mart and it was in an unopened package.

  3. Hermit's Baby SisMay 7, 2013 at 7:18 AM

    Dizzy -
    Just where is this great flea market? I may have to make a day trip to visit it, even if Billy Bob and Hermit and you don't get together. I'm close enough to get to you with very little trouble, and looks like y'all always have a good turnout at that market ~

  4. HJ's Baby Sis, it is on route 105 about 15 miles or so east of Conroe.
