Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wondering what a really big telescope looks like?

You know I like astronomy and that I have several telescopes, the biggest one has a 16" diameter mirror.  Remember these pictures from one of my older posts:

  That is a fairly large scope for backyard use but of course it doesn't compare with the larger professional ones used by astronomers.  They have some really large scopes, but none of these optical scopes can compare with large radio scopes.  Well, mine is sure tiny compared to some of the radio scopes that are active today.  Like this one, the Arecibo Radio Telescope, at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. It is 1000 feet (305 m) across, that is over three football fields!!

Now the Chinese have decided to build one and of course it must be the biggest in the world.  Here is what they are planning:

It is a 500 meter dish; that is over 1500 feet across.  Notice it will have six towers to support the focal point receiver whereas the one in Porto Rico only has three.  At least this is peaceful scientific achievement.


  1. Not being able to afford even the smallest telescope, I always wanted one. You don't have to squint through one eye with this one do you?

  2. (tongue in cheek),,,,is bigger, better?

  3. Lotta joy, yes, you still look through the eye piece with one eye. But, you get too see a lot more than with a small scope.

    Trouble, when it comes to telescopes, bigger is better.

    1. I have seen sites on the internet where you can hook your telescope up to your television and see it in clear view with both eyes open. lol

      I would LOVE that!

    2. That would work if the scope is remote cotrolled., but mine is a push and shove.

  4. Wow that's certainly a big scope you have! You should charge admission and have star-gazing night for the neighborhood every Tuesday night. I'm sure you see stuff through that scope that most of us never have the chance to.

    1. In the area I live, you need a big scope. And yes, I can see a lot of stuff, if you know where to look.

  5. Now THAT scope of yours would be quite a load to tote around in a motorhome... Do you take photos "through" the scope? What fun!

    1. Back when I had a pickup with a cap on the back, I took it places. Can't now. Since it isn't motorized, I don't take pictures.

  6. let's hope it is a telescope the Chinese are building, could be a death ray! ( grin) Do you move your telescope much? Boy is it big!

    1. Even if it is a death ray, it is pointing straight up. I used to, read above reply.

  7. Wow Dizzy...that is quite a telescope you have there!

  8. MsB, I love it. I have had it for a lot of years.

  9. That's a beautiful scope. I have scope envy. :)

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  11. Sixbears, out where you live you wouldn't need one that big. Here near Houston and the humid gulf air, the seeing is not very clear without something large to help.

  12. WOW!! I want one of those! Do you use it very often? I don't think I've ever looked through a scope that big.
