Friday, May 10, 2013

Wondering about hair.

I like  hair, that is why I have long hair and a beard and we have Shih Tzu dogs that have lots and lots and lots of hair.  All animals have hair at some point and in some form in their life even if it is fuzz on a newborn whale or the spines on a porcupine.  Even insects can have hair.  The leg hairs on hunting spiders and crickets act like ears picking up sound vibrations.

Tiny human hairs in our lungs and nasal passages can taste the air and sweep out impurities.  These hairs are slow to die.  Pathologists have noticed that nasal cilia contine to pulse for up to 21 hours after their human has died.

Just shampooed hair is lovely but dirty may be better.  Oily hair absorbs the air pollutant ozone seven times more than clean hair.  So don't wash your hair, let it clean the air (grin).  Of course there is also good things to say about the absence of hair.  Less maintenance comes to mind first but there are others.  If you live in warm climates or stay in heated building most of the year, the warmth from you hair is not needed.  Of course if you are an astronaut hair is a nuisance for sure.  In the absence of  gravity it just hangs in all directions.  Guess either being bald or having an "Afro" would be best for living in zero gravity.  This blog was based on an article in DISCOVER magazine.  Now, go brush your lovely locks and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Just got my six week color and cut so I am good to go.

  2. I've been letting my hair grow out for the past year. After having a layered cut, it is driving me crazy now that all the layers are long. No sense even getting it trimmed for a while longer, and in the meantime I wonder how long I can hold out.

  3. Jill, my color is white and no cut. . .

    Gypsy, it takes awhile to get used to, but I really like my long hair. At my age I don't care what I look like or what people say.

  4. You wonder about hair... I wonder about "cowlicks"... or the way hair grows.. you know... those swirls that determine which way your hair wants to lay. I've never googled that to learn the facts... only know that mine are a real pain in the... strike that.. they give me a headache if when they don't get their own way. Does hair on your face have cowlicks?

  5. Just got my hair cut a week I am good for a while.

  6. The Odd Essay, I have my hair well trained and don't let any cows lick it (grin). I lie a lot. . . actually my hair has gotten thin where there was a cowlick, so I ain't got one no mo.

    MsB, It seems like a few weeks ago for me but it has been over five years.

  7. This is got to be bout the "hairest" post ya ever did Dizzy. LOL....keep up the good work.

  8. Hey BB, both this post and me are "hairy". I am grinning ear to ear after reading your comment. You have a great sense of humor.

  9. I was just wondering if you have any good tips on how to keep that thing called hair on your head. It's not a good sign when it falls out unexpectedly and returns now and again to see what I'm doing then leaves again....

  10. Rum-Punch Drunk, maybe some good fertilizer?? (grin)

  11. To the ODD ESSAY: My beard is about the same length as DD's and it does have some 'cow lick'. The right side does not grow symmetrically with the left.

    To DD: I have let my beard grow but can not stand having the hair on my head down over my ears so it gets cut every 3-4 months.
