Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dog Grooming Day

Today is dog grooming day.  Loaded up the three pups and dropped them off at the groomer.  Then, my wife said that she would like to drop in on Hobby Lobby, so we did.  I sat in the car listening to a radio station that was playing classic country.  If I can't find blue grass, my second choice is classic country.  My satellite radio is tuned to blue grass music, but I don't have a satellite radio in my Jeep.  Just have the typical AM and FM radio.  Good enough for this old country boy.

Sorry, I just don't have anything to say today.  Some days I am dumber than other days, if that is possible.  This is one of my real dumb days.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. George Jones would be glad to hear you say that.

  2. At least it wasn't husband grooming day. I hate those. . . .

  3. My daughter goes to a guitar camp somewhere in NC or someplace.. it's for Bluegrass music. She got me to listening to Ralph Stanley and some of the other old timers. My "hometown" radio station (WOUB fm) has a bluegrass program on Sunday afternoons... I can listen to it via my computer.... if I can remember what time it is in Ohio ;-)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. My dogs could use a grooming day. . .maybe next week, or the week after. We have a lazy groomer! (me)

  6. Jimkabob, yep, I like ole George, too.

    Sixbears, Have you noticed my long hair and beard? I ain't been to person groomer (barber) since I turned 65 and now I am over 70.

    The Odd Essay, I am a self taught guitar picker but I don't play bluegrass, just country and spiritual songs. I listen to blue grass.

    Jill, We take ours once a month. They are Shih Tzu's and two of them have an undercoat that can really get tangled.

  7. There used to be a blue grass meet here,,,not sure if they still do. Think not. The park would be full of campers, players, etc.

  8. Good grooming practices are essential for maintaining health and happiness for you and your dog.

    Toronto Dog Groomer

  9. Hobby lobby, country music. Hobby lobby, country music. I'd say you made the wrong choice!

  10. Trouble, I used to go to some but don't know where they are held now. I will have to look into it.

    Cat Groomer, yes, I agree. We take them to the groomer every month.

    Jill, no, I prefere country music. I have all my painting supplies at home and blank canvases. All I have to do is get busy painting. So, I didn't need any thing at this time.

  11. There is a Hobby Lobby right near my new apartment. I have avoided going in. I tell myself I need to finish the sweater I'm working on, then I can go in.

  12. Shadowmoss, don't you know that you need some more yarn to finish the sweater (grin). Need to at least go look at the selection. . .
