Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wandering on foot up a mountain.

I do want to share with you my walk up a mountain when I was in Davis Mountains State Park.  You can drive up this mountain (which I did and showed you on a previous blog), but half way up gives a more in depth understanding, feeling, and views than you get from inside a vehicle.  I was actually surprised that I made it up as far as I did.  The only reason I didn't go further was because it was almost lunch time and I DO NOT like to miss any meals.  Coming back down was much harder on me than going up.  My knees did not like coming back down.

Here are a few of the pictures that I took while going up the trail.  The trail was well marked and had very nice bridges across the deep ravines.

 On some of the steepest parts they put logs across the trail and filled in behind them, making the trail a wide set of stairs:

 As you can see in this next picture, the canyon drops off close to the edge of the trail:

 This next picture was looking back down the trail from where I took the picture above.

 On this next picture I want you to notice a couple of things.  First, at the upper right you can see the camping area.  And if you look closely on the side of the hill sloping up to where I was standing when I took this picture, you can make out the trail as it made switch-backs back and forth on its way up this steep side of the mountain.

 And another typical picture of the trail.  I thought it was beautiful and exhilarating!

 OK, I suppose you need proof that it was actually me who hiked up that trail.  So, I took a self portrait.  If my arm had been a little longer you would have seen a broader view (grin).

I know you are probably getting bored with pictures from my last trip, but guess what?  I got lots more. . . grin!!

We are suppose to go from summer to winter sometime today.  It is now almost 80 degrees but a cold front is suppose to lower the temperatures down into the lower 40's or upper 30's.  Just can't believe that can happen this time of year in East Texas.  Now, you all just have yourselves a very great day today, you hear? 


  1. I'm a very odd person. I see a hill, a mountain, a rock, and I want to hug it. I miss my hills, rocks, trees, so much. The ocean is one for introspection and a feeling of the universe, but the hills... the centuries behind them. That's where my heart lives.

    1. I grew up loving hills, mountains, and forest. I was an only child and the woods was my play yard.

  2. Nope... I don't tire of seeing those photos! I'd love to have been with you on that hike.... there's nothing quite like a view from the top!

    1. I sure don't tire of taking the pictures. I always said that there is some beauty in everything and every where, but at that state park you sure don't have to look very far.

  3. Never tire of seeing pics either. And that winter blast came in during the night, back to winter time,,,,,46* right now.

    1. It is just now starting to get to us over here east of you.

  4. I think the pictures are great! Gives us that stay at home a chance to "sight see" with you!

    Got your exercise for the day on that hike, didn't ya?

    1. I sure enjoyed taking them. Yes, I sure did get my exercise.

  5. I love the pictures of your trip. There is so much just in the state of Texas that I have yet to see or experience. So I am living vicariously through your photos.

    1. MsB, I can't think of any other state that has the diversity that Texas has. From sea shore to desert to mountains to plains to the piney woods to hardwood forests; it has it all, even cities if you like cities.

  6. Hey Dizzy - love the pics, and am proud of you for hiking up to share them with us. Not sure I could have made it myself, and I'm the younger one!

    Yep, the cold got here, and mayve will blow Billy Bob down our way - guess you see I invited him to your place for a visit. Or maybe a little further down to Hermit Jim's. Just think y'all should all have a good yammer and lyin', story tellin' session. I'll bring over the peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. Look forward to meeting you, too, and maybe visiting some of those special bargain places with your lovely wife while you 3 guys bore each other..........

  7. Baby Sis, if we three got together, I don't think we would bore each other (grin). More like who can tell the biggest whopper!!!
