Friday, May 3, 2013

Wandering back home.

  The trip back home went a lot smoother than the trip out.  We had no breakdowns coming home and there was a lot to see.  The road north out of Ft. Davis was a beautiful drive and I highly recommend it if you are anywhere close.  These first few pictures were taken on that drive.  I also posted some on an older blog, remember the cowboy pictures

 Enlarge the one above and the one below by clicking on them.  Take notice of the rock formations, especially the one above.

 We then got on I-10 and headed east.  After awhile the pups needed walking and so did I, so we pulled off at a rest stop.  Here we are parked with a pyramid shaped mountain in the background.

The rest stop had one Ocotillo plant and it only had two blossoms on it.  But, I just had to get a picture of it.  I just love seeing this plant in bloom.  The first time we were in Terlingua, they were all in full bloom.

The above picture needed enlarging.  Notice this is an example of the beauty and the beast.  The flowers are beautiful but the sharp spines can give you a nasty puncture.

 This is the other blossom on this lone plant.

 And off down the road again heading east.  See that cup sitting on the dash?  That empty cup road a few hundred miles just sitting there.  Gives you an idea of how nice a ride the air-ride system on this coach works.  But when it lets you down like it did on the way out, it costs time and money.

 Thanks for riding along on the way home.  Remember when we left for the trip I showed a picture of our front lot and how nice the grass was cut.  Well guess what, it looks like a wild field now and needs some attention soon.  The cold front came though last night dropping the temps way down into the mid 40's .  I think that broke some kind of record around here.  Now, have a great day, stay warm, and most of all, stay happy, you hear?


  1. So glad you made a safe trip home. Now,,,get to mowing,,,,lol

  2. I would feel safe, and full of gratitude with you at the wheel, and knowing as much as you do about nature. I hope your wife felt well the entire trip and able to enjoy it as well as you.

  3. Glad you had a safe and mostly enjoyable trip! The best part of any trip is coming back home!

    Bet the whole crew was glad to be back!

  4. Lotta joy, thank you, I try to do my best and be safe. I do enjoy driving that rig, for sure. She didn't start hurting until the last day half of the last day.

    HJ, I could have stayed on the road a little longer but I had to be back for the top fuel drag races. You know how much I love them.

  5. nice trip. now that spring has finally found PA we are all in mowing mode. We are getting greener my the second. Very glad to say goodbye to brown and gray.

  6. Great trip. Thanks for the update.

  7. Jill, I sure do remember the long, grey days of a PA winter. It was OK if there was fresh fallen snow, but the mess afterwards was almost not worth the beauty of the snow.

  8. I love Ft.Davis, looks like ya'll had a great trip.

  9. Glad you finally put that beautiful rig on the road and even though you had a rough start...the rest of your trip was enjoyable.

    At least you have a tractor which I bet is a lot of fun to operate...I would not mind mowing the lawn if I had one!

  10. Glad you made it back without any more problems. Rob asked me what happened to you when we didn't see your comments. I knew you'd been getting ready to hit the road and told him so. Take care!
