Friday, March 1, 2013

Wondering where Spring time went.

Just when I was getting used to the warm days and balmy nights, I wake up to a feezing morning.  No, I am not exagerating, it got down to 31 degrees this morning about 06:00 this morning.  This has been a realitively warm winter and I guess I am spoiled, because it felt really cold to me!!

As you can see, I am out of good ideas for my blog this morning.  I went out yesterday and took a few pictures of some wild flowers, but after looking at them this morning, I realized that I had shown similar ones before on my blog.  So, there you have it.  I am brain dead this morning and I just wrote a boring blog that didn't say anything important.  Maybe tomorrow I can come with something a little better.  Then again, maybe not.  So, you all have yourselves a very great day today, you hear?


  1. I know what happened to spring. It's about 1500 miles south of me. I drove away from it into winter. How weird is that?

  2. If you're anything like me (and except for the beard, I think we're twins) you're suffering from "brain fag". That's what we called "thinking fatigue" in the hills at home. I find myself doing the same thing with my camera.. After all, nothing changes much in the yard.

  3. I call it the blog bug.,,, It's going around.

  4. Well ya could blog bout all the stuff you're load'n up in the motorhome for your spring trip. Would be interesting to know what all you're gonna take with you.

  5. There are a lot of us who need to get back on the road for a while to get some new topics to write about.

  6. Sixbears, after the baby comes, you can go back but it will be summer down there by then.

    lotta joy, Thank you for the compliment saying we could be twins. I wish I could write as well as you do. You have such a way with words.

    Trouble, guess I will have to spray for those dang bugs.

    Billy Bob, I leave a lot of my clothes and stuff in it in case I have a chance to get away quick. Can always stop at a Wal*Mart to fill the frig.

  7. Maybe you need a shot of Granny's spring tonic, but after some warm weather shows up we will all feel better.

  8. This afternoon was the warmest it's been here all week... and I still had on a jacket, scarf and wool cap. It's not freezing.. but, darn! it's cold! Doesn't March always come in like a lion?

  9. I am figuring that the temperature you note is in Fahrenheit. Anyway, soon be warmer more often. Of course, living in lil' ol' England, I'm really looking forward to that one day in spring when we get teased by that mysterious glowing orb in the sky aka the sun. Then we wait until September to enjoy a summer's day.

    Your posting wasn't boring at all....Sorry, where am I? Must have dozed off.....

    Y'all take care,


  10. Jimkabob, maybe I just need shot.

    The Odd Essay, I lived in the south too long and anything below 60 is COLD.

    Klahanie, WAKE UP!!! See, I told you I was boring. . .

  11. I guess I too have gotten spoiled and it sure was cold last night. If I believe WeatherBug it got down to 27 if I believe the Weather Channel we only made it to 32.

    It is always a good idea to keep your RV ready for a quick trip or an emergency. I have never had an RV but I used to keep my then running van always stocked in case I could not make it back home or if something important at the time came up like driving to Galveston to witness the sunrise.

  12. I agree that all vehicles should be ready to hit the road quickly. Could come in handy in case of an imergancy.

  13. When my car gets below 1/2 a tank of gas, I fill it up. So it's always ready to go. Done this for years.

  14. Trouble, that is always a good idea. BTW, I mentioned in a comment on your blog that I will not make a post today. Just don't have anything to say.

  15. Well coming from England, it's always cold down here. You just got to work out what temperature of coldness suits you I guess, ha ha ha. I must admit that today looks very nice and bright with a good hint of summer on it's way. My front-room has been turned into a golden look thanks to Mr Sunshine who has forced it's way past the clouds. Yes, today is a good day.
    I'm not sure what 31 degrees means, but it sounds warm. Hope you have shook those cobwebs off the brain as I shall return to see what you do next with it :)

    1. 31 degrees means below ZERO in Celsius speak; it means cold!
