Thursday, February 28, 2013

As requested, more cards.

I got a request yesterday to show some more cards.  Usually that is not possible because my talented wife makes one each day to send the next day.  It just so happens, she had made a few ahead in case we do get to hit the road.  Of course she could still make them on the road, but then again, it is easier to make them at home.  I usually write a poem just for each card, therefore I can call it a joint venture.  I do have to say that she does 99 percent of the work.

Here is the card and envelope that she completed last night to send this morning.  She had it drawn yesterday but didn't get it colored until last night.  After I post this blog, I will try to write a poem for it.

And here is the collection that awaits poems and mailing.  That card on the upper left (the green one with the flowers) is an example of how she paints the envelopes to match the cards.

So, there you have it.  I believe she probably enjoys making the cards as much if not more than the recipients.  When she is not making cards she is either crocheting, weaving, or coming up with other art work of varied kinds.  I must say she is quite a talented lady.  Now, pick out one of the above cards, and pretend it is for you and then have yourself a very great day!!!


  1. Love !!! them all, but, the chicken is special.

  2. DD - Thanks! She is very talented for sure. That's a lot of work to keep one card going for each day. I too get a lot of satisfaction out of working on crafty stuff. I'm always happier when I keep myself busy. I'm not much of a tv watcher.

  3. Trouble, It says "peeping in to say hi", so HI, Trouble.

    Jill, I got to say that she sure does keep busy. While I waste time playing computer games, she is doing something special.

  4. I hope the recipients of those cards keeps them in a special place... they are certainly special! I think I have every card my kids and grandkids have ever sent me.

  5. The Odd Essay, That would be a lot of cards and would fill up a room or two since she has sent one every day there is mail for over about three years now.

  6. Yes, very talented. I would pick the hen and chick. Since we have raised so many chickens in our time here they are still one of my favorite animals.

  7. All are beautiful but I would pick the one with the boots.

    My mother chimed in and she liked the one with the little girl praying followed by the one with the flowers.

  8. Gypsy, thanks, I always thought so, too.

    Tammy, we used have chickens but they didn't last long. Dogs broke in and hawks got some, and snakes ate the eggs, but we did enjoy them and the ducks and the geese.

    MsB, I also think she does a great job. I wrote the poem and we are going to head for the post office right now.

  9. Your wife is talented. thanks for sharing the feast for the eyes. so far no skunk cabbage here in PA, we do have snow this morning . . .boo!
