Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wondering about seeing spots.

I got to wondering about seeing spots.  You see, I have some "floaters" in my eyes and I see spots floating in air every so often.  All I have to do is look up and down real fast and the floaters drift off.  Where did they come from?  Could be from anything, but since I did have cataract removal surgery, I presume it is some small bits of old blood.  I also had a partially detached retina at one time and it was laser welded back in place.  When it detached, it ruptured a small blood vessle.  This is not what I was wondering about.  I got a little sidetracked but wanted to give you a little background.  So let me get to what I was really wondering about.

I like watching the little lizards (they are actually called an anole) around my house and on the screen and back porch and deck.  They change color from green to brown.  The males have a bright red protrosion that they can extend from the bottom of their throat area.  They are really good hunters.  They can shoot their tongue out and capture insects at quite a distance.  Now, I wonder, what if they saw spots???  Would they be trying to catch the spots with their tongue?  Would they know that they were spots and not small insects?  Sometimes I try to chase away the "insects" that actually were the spots that I see.  I guess I will have to sit outside and watch them for a long period of time to see if any just try to catch something with their tongue that isn't there.  Now, since I see spots, will I know the difference if they are seeing bugs or just trying to catch spots (grin)?

Sorry for stupid blog today, but I do wonder about stupid things sometimes.  Now you all have a spotless day today, you hear? 


  1. lol DD,,,I think I've always seen those spots at times. After cataract surgery on both eyes, now I see something like a shadow some times that moves a little. Was told it was the edge of the transplants.

  2. I have a floater in one eye sometimes but I have never had any surgeries. The eye doctor told me it was nothing to worry about if it would disappear. I am like you I look to the right really fast and it goes away. Probably circles my entire head and then returns later LOL

  3. DD join the crowd my left eye has a floater that stays in the upper left side of my eye.But my mind to day is on money,I have all ways said it's just a tool.But this morning I heard that it is also a magnifier.I believe that is so true.Never looked at it that way before!Anyway good morning have a good day>

  4. I was thinking if you was one before your a bigger one after!

  5. I've had floaters for as long as I can remember and never had surgery. I just don't worry about them because in the past they were short lived.

  6. Trouble, they are a part of life now, I too can see the edge of my implants after cataract surgery.

    Tammy, My spot just bounces around inside my hollow skull (grin). Thanks for stopping by.

    Juatastick, a lot of us have floaters. They seem to be quite common.

  7. David, those floaters should be the least of your worries unless they start to impede your vision. Then it is time to get it checked.

  8. The idea of seeing spots makes me dizzy. I get motion sickness on a porch swing. seeing spots floating around would not be good!

  9. I had floaters (and flashes) for years... spots and sometimes lights like a fast comet. Nothing to worry about. Then I had cataract surgery on both eyes.. NOW, I have a different kind of floater. Been told that a tiny speck of "dirt" can get behind lens... can be zapped by laser.... I'm so used to it I kind of track it around... probably look like I'm bonkers or something... but... what the heck.. I'm harmless.

  10. I get those floaters that shimmer like sunlight on water, very distracting. I was told it was a eyeball headache, which I says "huh?". Seems like nobody has any answers for the stupid stuff which is why we keep a wondering.

  11. Jill, I love a porch swing, swinging puts me to sleep. You must not have been rocked to sleep as a baby (grin).

    The Odd Essay, Like you say, you get used to it, like an old friend, I guess. Now, I am not sure you are all that harmless. . .

    Jimkabob, You are dizzy enough, don't need an eyeball with a headache. You haven't seen me in years, so my shining face should not still be hurting your eyes. . .

  12. I haven't had the spots in my eyes for a very long time, but now that you brought it up, I'll probably start seeing them all the time!

    See what ya started?

  13. Jimkabob, that was only when he was upset with me and it wasn't sunny it was sony.

    HJ, the power of suggestion can be powerful. Just think of something else so you don't see spots.

  14. I guess I wonder about stupid things then too. Like - why do you often see ONE shoe along the highway. How did it get there? Where is its pair?

  15. Jill, now that is a coincidence!! Just yesterday I saw one shoe along the road and wondered the same thing. I wonder if it was the other half of the pair that you spotted.
