Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wondering about missing bloggers.

Since I started blogging about two and a half years ago, a lot of blogs that I followed have disapeared.  Some without any warning at all.  Kind of makes me wonder what happened to the authors.  Of course, some may have just quit, but why would someone who writes a blog everyday, just up and quit without letting the blogging world know?  There are some spuratic bloggers out there who just post when the whim hits them.  Their posting schedules make no rhyme nor reason and when they dissapear, you don't give it much thought.  I am talking here about the blogger who blogs everyday, only skipping a day now and then.  You know, like Ben at Who passed away unexpectadly, at least to me.  He was younger than I was at the time and didn't seem to have anything wrong with him except leg cramps.  His family was thoughtful enough to add one more blog post telling us what happened.  Also, The Old Fool.  In his last blog posting, he said that he could not type or form words correctly.  The way he explained what was happening to him, I knew he was having a stroke.  That was the last I heard and figured he was gone.  I am not posting the link to his blog because it has been taken over by advertisers.

There have been others that dissapeared without any explanation.  Those I am still wondering about.  For instance, I followed Kathy at was complaining about having bronchitis on her last blog, but she didn't sound like she was anywhere near death.  But, she never posted another blog.  Her last blog was posted on 05-04-2011 and I still do not know for sure if she is alive or not.  I believe that she was my age.  Just per chance any of you know any more information about her, let me know.

I sure hope when I die, someone will let you all know and not leave you up in the air. . . wondering.  Dang, I had to get the word wondering in here.  You all have a healthy and very happy day today, you hear?


  1. Well don't go and do anything dumb like die, OK.
    You would be sadly missed. Appreciate you and your blog. Take care.

  2. In the comments section of Old Fool's blog the family wrote that he passed that next Sunday. I was really sad to hear that, as I enjoyed his sense of humor. I keep meaning to let my best friend know my password so that she could post if anything happened that would cause me to not be able to post.

  3. I'm like you... wonder about some of the ones I used to read. But since I've only been at this just over a year I don't have nearly the "history" you do. I was reading Ben's blog and while I don't think I'd ever commented (I was pretty shy about posting comments for a LONG time) I was saddened (and a bit surprised) when he died. One blog I'd been reading and had posted comments, (Just BS), I had Sue's e-mail address and so wrote and asked if she was okay. Her husband has a lot of health problems and she wrote back that blogging became pretty low on her priority list. Some of the ones I read are solo travelers... I tend to worry a bit about them if they don't blog for a while... especially if they're regulars. This blogging opened up a whole new world for me and brought me a lot of people with common interests... and now I feel they are friends.

  4. I feel the same way, DD, and maybe i'm not posting a blog every day, but I do comment on some of them. I think we all need to let a family member know to post one last time on our blogs, if something happens where we can't.

  5. Tammy, I hope I am not quite that dumb (grin). Thank you for the complement. It surely is appreciated.

    Shadowmoss, good idea on giving your friend your pass word, that is if you trust her (grin).

    The Odd Essay, the blogging world sure does let you meet a lot of people via cyber space that you would like to sit down and chat with in person. I have met a few in person and Old Ben was one of them.

    Trouble, If you don't post or comment, I do get worried. Maybe we ought to find some blogs written by young people. . . nah, old people have more interesting things to say. OK, now I am in trouble with the youth. . .

  6. I have been worried about Jules of So Far From Heaven, he all of a sudden quit posting just when he was going to embark on his RV trip with his cats.

    I even went to his blog to try to find his e-mail address but his blog page is so busy, it gave me a headache and I never did find his e-mail :(

    1. I know he was taking his converted bus on a trip. Until you mentioned it, I wasn't worried about him, but now. . .

  7. You can bet that if for some reason I don't post or tell you I am not posting...something just ain't right!

    I have my sister that will pass it on if anything happens to me (or at least, she is supposed to), but let's hope that is a long way off!

    I hate to do away with a blog just because of someone not posting, but sometimes you have to let them go.

    1. Glad you have plans all in place. Hope they are not needed for a hundred years or more. . .

  8. Greetings human, Dizzy-Dick,

    Ah yes, the mystery of the vanishing blogger. It can be quite puzzling and one person we interacted with a lot, just completely disappeared. A number of tried to contact him, all to no avail.

    I believe that some just get bored with it. Or life has other priorities. My human's blog, which has stayed discreetly in the background, is over six years old. Evidently, he's going to continue. If something happens to his blog, we'll let y'all know.

    I wish you many more years of thoughtful blogging, my human friend. And yes, would be jolly decent if you leave this dimension, somebody informs us.

    Be well, human.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

    1. Hope you find your friend that just went missing. Just don't quit blogging without letting us know.

  9. That's the nice thing about blogging. We have made friends, even though we've never met face to face. And it is concerning if a friend could be in trouble.

  10. I've written my final post so all I have to do when the time comes is push the 'publish' button. I hope I don't forget...

  11. I used to follow Ben until he had the bad grace to die. Miss him.

    Anyone know what happened to Treesong?

    She hasn't posted in 6 months. Last I heard she was having some memory issues.

  12. Jill, you are so right. My blogger friends are my extended family.

    TFT, that sounds like a plan. Hope the computer is on and in reach wfen the time comes.

    Sixbears, I miss all the bloggers that passed on to that hard-drive in the sky. Sorry, I didn't follow Tree song.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Dizzy, I know what you mean. There are several folks I know that have just disappeared. I miss them even never having met them in person, they become a part of my life. Sixbears I've sure missed Tree Song and worry about her too.

    I don't post as regularly as I once did. It seems life sometimes takes more time than I seem to be able to find for blogging. But I've got a "plan" in place if something were to happen around here. LOL I've even talked with a friend about continuing to post to my facebook page. (Kinda one of those "Beyond the Grave" things. ;o)

    1. We seem to get entwined in other bloggers lives and laugh and cry with them. I was concerned for you when you flipped your truck, and thrill with the progress you are makeing on you homestead. I don't always comment, but keep up with what you are doing and saying.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I'm (we are) still here Dizzy. Always read your blog and OFM's and Gypsy's and Bayfield Bunch and many other's. So much has happened since I last posted and I keep meaning to post again, but don't have a clue where to start or how to start again. I miss Oldfool and Old-Who-Me? and I'm still sad about their passing on. Been dealing with health issues and using that as an excuse for not writing or doing other things I previously enjoyed...but, I do intend to come back in a while...thinking perhaps with photos to talk for me until I feel like writing again. Gee, this is the most I've written in a long, long time. Thanks for keeping up your's nice to know it's always here for me to read. :-)
    - Mary Ann

    1. And thank you for reading my blog and commenting. You have the best of both worlds, bikes and RVs. Hope your "health issues" disappear real soon.

  17. Yeah. I sometimes wonder what happened to some of the active bloggers who just disappeared. I've tried to contact a few myself but to no avail. I think that they should leave a message on their blog to say they have stopped blogging etc, unless they have died of course.
    I've left details in case of my sudden death for someone to leave a final post on my behalf letting everyone know I've kicked the bucket.

    1. Although news of your departure from the blogging world for any reason would be sad and you would be missed, it is still better to know the reason why instead of wondering.

  18. I've always announced when I needed to stop blogging for a while, and I've been blogging for 13 years with only two breaks.

    I worry about going feet up and not having anyone make it clear why I'm not coming back.

    I don't even think I remember my own password, so. . . . When I notice a fellow blogger MIA for years, I hate to think of them passing away, but I also hate to think they just STOPPED without saying goodbye.

  19. Lotta joy, if I disappear, it means one of three things, either I died, or I went on a trip and am out of cell phone range, or I just got really lazy (grin).

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