Friday, March 29, 2013

Have you ever had a bag of sugar spoil?  Has a bag of sugar in your pantry ever gotten moldy?  I have seen lumpy sugar but never spoiled sugar.  I don't even know what spoiled sugar would look like or taste like.  Now, I realize that sugar is not good for you.  It feeds fungus growth in and on your body along with other ailments.  I really love sugar, but try to limit my intake of it.  But it got me to wondering why it doesn't spoil.

I like sugar, I bet you like sugar, and virtually all living creatures like sugar.  So, why doesn't sugar spoil, or get moldy, or get infested with small bugs like flower sometimes does?  The reason is that it is extremely dry.  It has a very, very low moisture content of about 0.02 percent.  Any invading organism would have its moisture sucked right out of them.  Sugar's extremely low water content also impedes chemical changes that could cause it to spoil.  Of course, if sugar is dissolved in water, it is a completely different story.  So, I guess it is best to keep both our sugar and our gun powder dry.  Now you all have yourself a very sweet day to day, you hear?


  1. Hey DD, just reading all the comments from yesterday, and even tho I don't post every day now, I DO comment on yours,,,,lol.
    Sugar? Never thot about it,,,hahahaha

  2. Sugar is bad for ya???? Dayum!!! I 'member one time they was say'n eggs was bad for ya. Then there's salt what they say is bad for ya. I use 5# of sugar a month, eat 18 eggs a month and use a ton of' there ain't nuttin wrong with the old Billy Bob.

  3. Trouble, and I appreciate it. Yep, sugar is one of those things that just always seems to be there.

    Billy Bob, some peoples treats are other peoples poisons. I have heard that sugar even feeds cancer, if you have it.

  4. Basically, as long as it's white and nothing is crawling on it, it's fine.

    My granddad had his own sugar cure for ham,using saltpetter around the bone then it went in the smoke house good memories.I do not think anything is bad if you use it in moderation.Can't be all bad BB that what little girls are made of!

  5. If I quit eating everything the government folks say is bad for me, I'd starve to death!

    I'll have to take my chances! At least I'll die happy!

  6. Justastick, you are right about the sugar. Your gradad's sugar cure sounds good.

    HJ, I agree with you on that. Listen to your own body, it will let you know what is good for it.

  7. It had never crossed my mind why sugar did not spoil thanks for telling me...see you can learn something new everyday!

    Back when sugar was not expensive Food Town in Houston would give you a coupon in the mail-in flier where if you bought $10 worth you could get a bag of sugar free (think it was a 5 pounder).

    Not having any use for sugar I would save them and then take them to a Terlingua acquaintance who used gobbs of sugar on her tea. Still have like 2 bags that are about five years old but could not fit in my vehicle as I was packed to capacity for the chili cook-off.

  8. The Easter Bunny will be at my house this weekend, sugar heaven! And, everyone I know in Butler County says crick, even if it's a stream, brook or creek. I had geology profs knock crick out of my vocab. thanks for dropping by my blog!

  9. MsB, It won't spoil as long as it is very dry. The high humidity in the Houston area may cause it to have a shorter than normal life. I don't think we have any sugar in our house.

    Jill, When you get to be our age and since all my relatives are in Pennsylvania except for my son, holidays don't get much attention. Our religion should be just as strong every day of the year, not just on "special" days.

  10. Hey friend,

    First of all, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has kindly allowed me take back over my blog. Thus, I get to leave a comment on your site.

    Apparently a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down. An interesting observation and the scientific reasons behind sugar not spoiling. Yes, a sweet posting. Makes me want to grab my sugar cane and trundle off back to my blog. Y'all enjoy your weekend. You hear?


  11. Why is it that something as bad for a person as sugar, is so sweet? Humans react badly to anything with a bitter taste and I wish I could react the same way toward sugar. Especially since I'm diabetic.

  12. Klahanie, if I ever have to walk with a cane, I hope it will be a sugar cane. . .

    Lotta joy, the sugar that we buy is very refined, unlike the small amount of honey and berries the cave men (and women) ate.

  13. Sugar is somewhat of a preservative, but not as good as salt. That's why it can be used as PART of the mix in curing ham, like justastick mentioned.
