Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wondering about a fellow's past.

Some people you meet seem ordinary.  That is not necessarily the truth.  For example, we have been going to the local flea market for years and have become friends with a lot of the vendors.  Some have even been to our place and visa versa.  One of them, who we thought we knew well, turned out to have a past a lot different than what he is doing now.  At his tables at the flea market, he is always playing music and sometimes he uses his rich deep bass voice to sing along with the recorded music.  At times, he sells karaoke units and sings along with them.  And guess what, he is even older than I am!!

I just found out last weekend that when he was young, he had formed a quartet and they backed up a lot of singers who where recording records in a studio in Houston, either for demos or for actual publication.  One of those singers that his group backed up on some recordings was Kenny Rodgers.  The only time that I ever sang with a super star was in my car with the radio playing.  Now he has his voice on some of Kenny's recordings.  Maybe our friend is on one of your Kenny Rodgers recordings?  Remember back on one of my old blogs when I told you about a fellow who also sets up at this flea market who used to be the pilot of the Good Year blimp?  It is surprising the interesting people you meet at our local flea market.  The sun is shining and it is a another beautiful morning here, and I hope you all will have a great day today, you hear?


  1. In a long life there's the chance to do many interesting things. It's a shame that so many do so little.

  2. Whats great is those people who never ring their own chimes about how cool they are and the awesome stuff they've done. You may find out about it some time and all you can say is WOW!

  3. You just never know what surprises are right around the corner! Sort of "hiding in plain sight!"

  4. For a minute there I thought you were going to say he had a criminal record, lol, glad that was not the case.

    I am with Tffnguy, I like people that don't ring their own chimes and when you later hear about what they did you are in awe. Kind of like the guy at the flea market.

  5. Sixbears, I have done a lot of things and been a lot of places but have not done enough or gone everywhere I want, yet, and I am running out of time.

    David, I don't always believe the ones who have "been there and done that" when you tell them someplace you have been or something you have done. Except for bloggers, we got to toot our own horn once in awhile or we would run out of things to blog about.

    HJ. Everyone has a story and I would sure like to hear them all.

  6. Someone told me once that "retirement is the great equalizer"... Those "been there/done that" folks that are always "doing you one better" can't hold a candle to the real folks out there who "used" to do something but just don't talk a lot about it. It sure pays to just stop talking for a minute and listen to other people. Like you, we've found some real interesting folks out there!

  7. The Odd Essay, Those who have really been there and done that are pretty quiet about it. Sometimes it is hard to get it out of them.

  8. Dizzy -

    As someone once told me "He who toots not his own horn may not get it tooted". Nice to find someone interesting to chat with, no matter the reason or background - someone such as you! Maybe someday you can take me to your flea market.... We know bubba Hermit won't go...

  9. Baby Sis, thanks and it woould be fun to take Hermit to the flea market. You talk him into it and we all can go.
