Friday, March 8, 2013

I am wondering about my memory.  Why. . . I forgot. . . just kidding, it is not quite that bad, yet.  I have no trouble remembering things from 65 years ago, it is my short term memory that seems to be not as good as it used to be, that is, if I remember correctly.  So then I wondered just how do we remember things?

I keep telling everyone that my mind is like a computer hard-drive, because it only has so much space and if I put more into it, something has to get erased.  Actually, I think the human brain is capable of much more than we think if only we knew how to use it to its fullest.

Another thing I wonder about is if what we remember is actually accurate?  I read somewhere that every time we recall a memory, we actually rewrite it in our minds and that "rewrite" isn't always exactly the same as the original.  I always thought that if I kept recalling something that it would make me remember it longer.  And I think it does, but maybe it does change it ever so slightly I don't realize.  But, if I rewrite it a little different each time, how the heck would I know it isn't accurate each time I remember it.  I am starting to get dizzy, it isn't good for us old guys to think real hard.  Don't want to rupture brain cells, what is left of them.  So, you all just have yourselves a great day today, you hear?


  1. It's not us Dizzy. The whole world gets rewritten all time. We just remember the pervious versions. :)

  2. Dizzy you know that old sayiny ( he who laughs last is a slow thinker )I personally have an excllent memory it's just a short one

  3. Sixbears, I will buy that theory, in fact I agree with it.

    Justastick, When it comes to humor I am quick with a humorous reply to people. Some just don't like it or get it. But I laughed last (grin). I guess I am a slow thinker, too.

  4. One thing about memories, it seems that sometimes we rewrite some of them to be better than the actual events really were!

    That's not always a bad thing, is it?

  5. There are a lot of things I have blocked from my memory, like most of the hair styles I had in the 80's! I wish I could stopping walking into a room and wonder what I went in there for. The very worst is having a shopping list and finding out when I get home I missed several items.

  6. HJ, Yes, and some times we do the opposite. There have been many times I remember saying, "Now, that wasn't as bad as I remember it to be".

    Jill E., Wow, you are bringing back some memories. I graduated in 1961 and grew up through the era of either flat-tops or D.A. hair cuts for the boys and black pants with a pink stripe down each leg. Yep, some things are best left forgotten.

  7. Stopping taking those statins has improved mine. Told ya,,,it was those pills,,,,lololol.

  8. I guess I have selective memory... trouble with that is I don't seem to be able to select what I want to remember. I'm like you... I can vividly remember scenes from when I was 4 or 5 years old... even the dress I was wearing, but I'd be hard pressed to remember what I wore yesterday.

  9. Trouble, medication can do real damage to one's memory.

    The Odd Essay, You are just like me. I guess we are all getting to "that" age. At least I am, you are still a lot younger. . .

  10. Hello my Dizzy human friend. Yes, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! My human has suggested you might attend his short term memory workshop. Which will be held at....which will be held at...where am I? Who are you?

    Pawsitive wishes, Penny....

  11. I have three dogs that run my house. They are Muffin, Chang Le, and Gizzy. All three are Shih Tzus. The oldest one watches TV and runs the house. She is smarter than I am. Of course, that isn't saying too much.

    1. My human is basically useless. I tried to teach him a few simple tricks such as, shake a hand, roll over and play dead. Alas, to no avail. With that, my human friend, I shall now go and watch a bit of British TV. I think the sheep herding trials are on...

    2. Take good care of your human. Humans need a lot of guidance.

  12. I have a bad memory and it all began when I started taking statins (cholesterol lowering medication) unlike Trouble even after I stopped my memory did not come back to the same levels as before.

    It is a good thing I started a diary when I was 9 years old stopped at 16. In adulthood I began a journal about special events I wanted to remember in the distant future (my old age). I am glad I wrote a lot of detail into those accounts, so I do not have a problem with not remembering correctly it is all written in my spiral notebooks and now in my Cyber Journal or better known as "my blog".

  13. It seems that my memory is at it's worse when I trying to find a place that I've been to many times. I constantly get lost and have no sense of direction on the best of days. I could have a map, a mobile map, a handheld gps or even ask someone for directions, I still end up going the wrong way.
    Something is truly wrong with my 'travel memory bits'. What a perlava.
    Any tips of improving this?

  14. MsB, a daily log is a good thing to do.

    Rum-Punch Drunk, Yes I have a tip, get a guide (grin).
