Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wandering in the rain to the flea market.

The rain blew in here with gusto just before dawn.  Then it settled down to a light drizzle.  Also, since I set all the clocks ahead last night before I went to bed, morning came early.  (Did you remember to set them ahead?)  None of these things kept us from going to the flea market.  There were only about half the outside vendors there today as there usually are.  We had our walk through and are visits with vendor friends and then came home.  I spent a dollar and my wife spent a dollar, so we didn't help the flea market economy very much today, but my bright, smiling face lifted their spirits - yeh, sure. . .

I want to thank Freebirdmcmlvii for giving me the name of the flowering bush that I had shown in my last blog posting and asked if anyone knew what it was.  The answer that she gave me was that it is called a Bottlebrush and that hummingbirds like them.  Thank you for letting us all know what it was.

The temperatures dropped from the 70's  to the 50's and it is grey and wet out there; a good day for a nap to work on my income taxes, if I can stay awake.  Have a great day, even if it is raining at your place, too, you hear?


  1. What's with this weather? We've had rain for over a week... We were walking in the park today... then came thunder and heavy rain... sure cleared out a herd of people in a hurry! That nap sounds like a good idea.

  2. The Odd Essay, it finally cleared off, the sun is shining, and the temperature is climbing. Probably will not get much over 70.

    Trouble, it is getting to that time of year that if it rains, it storms.

  3. Wouldn't have known about the time change if I hadn't read it here. Guess it didn't matter though because the computer upgraded automatically and so did my SkyScan clock. Wouldn't have known that if I hadn't checked my pocket watch.

  4. David, It seems to me that the last time I was in Arizona that they didn't use daylight savings time. I personally think that after the war it should have been done away with.

    Sixbears, I took the nap.

  5. Oh that will put you to sleep or drive you nuts LOL

  6. We could have used more rain but at the airport it was not even measurable.

    Now Dizzy you had to go mention those darn taxes...well I will probably just do what I do every year...file an extension and not worry about them until October :D

  7. Tammy Fletcher, I am both sleepy and a little nuts, already. That may just push me over the edge (grin)

    MsB, We have a huge deficit and it will take a lot of rain to catch up. Sorry I mentioned that dirty word.
