Monday, March 11, 2013

I got nothing!!

I got nothing to say today.  Why?  Because I can't think of anything, that's why.  I am brain dead this morning.  I suppose I could use the excuse that the change to daylight savings time did it to me, but I get up out of bed when I want to.  Well, I guess that ain't the exact truth.  The two dogs that sleep on the bed (it is a king size and has lots of room) get up early and I let them out in the main part of the house.  The youngest one who still sleeps in her house (cage), sleeps in a lot longer and when she is ready to get up, I get up.  Sometimes, like this morning, I got up first and made her get up.  Turn around is fair play, right?

I love my pups and can't imagine life without them.  It seems that our lives seem to revolve around our dogs.  I guess they are our kids now and a comfort to our old age.  Now you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. I got nothing my own self. I've placed an order for inspiration and hope to have some soon. :)

  2. I'm a cat person... Bill & I shared a regular size double bed with 3 cats... none of whom liked the others. Even though their butts might be touching they would never acknowledge the other cats being there. I miss my gatos (the last one was 19 years old when she passed away 12 years ago)... and I like to read about other folks critters.

  3. Sixbears, send me that address so I can order some, too.

    The Odd Essay, We used to have three cats and all three had different personalities, even the two sisters from the same litter. Loosing a pet is like loosing a member of the family.

  4. Train one of them pups to type, then they could be your ghost writers. When you get up in the morning with nothing bouncing around the noggin, you could let the dogs out and tell'em on the way back, go tap out a blog, earn their keep since they ain't helping you catch citters for the stew pot.

  5. Dizzy-Dick, nothing to say looks like this.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ha ah ha ha

  6. Jimkabob, maybe I will let them write my blog tomorrow.

    Rum-Punch Drunk, trouble is it takes me a lot of words to say nothing (grin).

  7. My husband tells me I always have something to talk about.

  8. Trouble, no, I don't got (grin)

    Jill, I can always talk, too. Sometimes even if I shouldn't.

  9. I've been in a fog for quite a while; maybe there is something going around that fogs up our mind.

  10. For someone that had nothing to said a lot :)

  11. my dogs get me up every morning too. I don't need an alarm clock. Lucky for me my one who likes to go outside at 2:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. wants to spend the night outside now that the temps have warmed up. I got her from a shelter, they thought she was a Chow mix but I think she is a Japanese breed, Kia or some other breed I can't spell nor say out loud. She has so much fur I can't find her skin to put on flea meds.

  12. See, Dizzy - you did have something to say after all, and lots of listeners, too! We're always here, even when you're not talkin'....I look forward to the day when I can get up when the cat and I want to, and not when the alarm goes off at 4:15....Hubby's already there. Sometimes he gets up (if he's got a golf game that day) and sometimes not, but my times coming....Not too far off now.....

  13. Gypsy, maybe you hit on the reason, something in the air, right?

    MsB, Yep, I have trouble keeping my mouth shut. Just don't get me talking about politics or relegeon.

    Jill E., You mean it is warm up there??? Taking a dog out at 2:00 and 4:30 a.m. is not conducive to a good nights sleep.

    Baby Sis, don't wish your life away. When you get old enough to sleep in when you want you will wish for youth.
